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Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

Hope things get better for you @MDT

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

What a powerful post you posted last night, @MDT ...I'm sorry to hear that 3 calls the Lifeline were needed and that your weeks has been so tough 😞


I admire you for your deep thinking and insight. 


I wish all good things for you moving forward, and that things will improve very soon...

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

Keep at it @MDT 


Keep working on understanding your strengths and also noticing others' strengths and having conversations around them. 

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

Hello @MDT we are having a super full moon today which is why we aren't getting proper sleep. I did not sleep last night. A super moon is when it's closest to earth in its orbit so the effects of a full moon are amplified even more hence sleeplessness.


We are also under an out of bounds (OOB) moon which accounts for the feelings of loneliness and disconnection which is a classic descriptor. When the moon is out of bounds I feel lonely myself but you can use it to your advantage with creativity. However the OOB should shift over the next few days. Here is an excerpt from todays full moon reading on the OOB moon by an astrologer I follow


Screen Shot 2022-06-14 at 9.03.05 am.png

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

Hi @MDT 


How's things going today my friend? Hope you're okay.


hanami 💮

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

afternoon all and many thanks for your support

today has been better. It started off good as we got into the world cup. I was chatting to a friend in Peru about the result haha.

I also went for my morning walk/run and changed the route. I also had 2 small coffees spaced out. It was very cold this morning.

A friend checked in today with me and it was good to be able to reflect on things and where i have been so far in my journey.

my brunch date yesterday threw me off course but it was still good to put myself out there. Every single date i go oni learn more about myself and this something i need to do more of.

I am becomming the true person I am. I have shed many of the expectations about things. Speaking to more and more people has been great help and also opening myself up to the world.

I need to be cautious of safety behaviours and coping mechanisms and how many things in today's world are designed to distract me. I mean thats capitalism in modern times isnt it.

I have some meditation music on right now and it is helping.

I need to continue the self work and also pace myself with my short term goals. My list is substantially smaller in terms of things that need doing. So this is good.

I read a quote today - "“An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior."

its from Viktor Frankl

I quite like it

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma



@TAB bringing it back lol

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

really @TAB ?
fortunately i do get out as i did last weekend and i also have plans

not sure why you need to make comments like that. I don't appreciate it

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

It was a suggestion @MDT
..I'll leave it at that.

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

@TAB it didn't come across that way is all