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Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

Hey @MDT 


I always do this to you it seems- I'm off to bed, sorry.


I'll read through this thread tomorrow and respond after 🙂

(I'll be sitting around all morning so will have plenty of time then)

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

@Hi @MDT

How's your day going?

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

Hi @StuF
Yeah not bad thanks
Took a day for myself to get out of the house.
Was good. Read my book at Cafe. Saw someone I used to work with. Went to see some art. Headed back now to work on some stuff.

This time of healing is key

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

Great to hear @MDT !

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

It ain't easy but it's a process @StuF
How are you ?

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

I'm ok thanks @MDT 


Getting my physical health back on track, but progressing

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

nice one @StuF

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

what a rough week this was
3 calls to lifeline
brunch date today that made question my life directions (in both healthy and unhealth way)
saw another friend i hadnt seen since lockdown today and spoke about my MH and it was another reminder of how far i had come - i spoke about how i was struggling when i was suicidal. It was a lot to take on i guess but it once again confirmed how much my mind and soul has been through

on the way home i felt a bit better

I'm very tired now and have not had a good sleep last night

I was gonna plan out my week but i at least wrote down what i need to do. Can plan it all out tomorrow morning

will be watching soccer in morning to see if we qualify. I know someone in Peru who will be watching as well lol.

see you all around the forum and thanks for your support - these days are tough

Although I do not work much - I am happy I am still leading a social life with different people and still getting out. I just feel quite lonely these days but my friend today told me when he arrived here from his home country to study here, he was mostly on his own and he got to know himself better. I think this is what has been happening for me too.

@TAB @Judi9877 @Former-Member @Former-Member @Gwynn @greenpea @BlueBay @Shaz51 @StuF @Appleblossom @Clawde @Historylover @NatureLover @hanami @Former-Member @Former-Member @Eve7

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

loggin off for night - see you tomoz

Re: A rough week - coming to terms with the past trauma

Sending you big big hugs lovely friend @MDT 


hope you can sleep well tonight xxxxx