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Re: A new start (kind of)

Hey @MDT  I totally get it about time away from here. 

What are you doing today?

thinking of you ❤️


Re: A new start (kind of)

I hope you enjoy your day @Faith-and-Hope

I'm actually going to head out and get to the gym. Do some cardio. Hopefully that helps. For now though I just want to finish my tea.

Re: A new start (kind of)

Not much @BlueBay
Need to send an email about a volunteer writers position. Also need to look at getting a job soon. Idk how to do that and also balance my lifestyle with what I want to pursue. It's like trying to balance two plates at once.

Either way, for now I'm just on youtube. Drinking my tea before I do some cardio at the gym

Re: A new start (kind of)

I ended up going to work @MDT very little /nothing to do. Ok a little bit for an hr nothing after that. Cant see how that works . Hopefully go home soon

Re: A new start (kind of)

Will you get paid for the day @TAB

Re: A new start (kind of)

So I did my cardio. Glad I did. Didn't do much weights though. Not up for it today.

Sometimes it's better to do a small amount than nothing at all.

Re: A new start (kind of)

You are so right @MDT a little is better than none at all Smiley Very Happy

Re: A new start (kind of)

Hey @Zoe7
How's it going

Re: A new start (kind of)

Hey @MDT Not bad my end. Very much procrastinating here and putting off doing the things I need to do but feeling okay about that. Got my little buddy snuggled behind me and the tv on - going to watch some things that I have recorded over the last couple of days then try to find the energy to get stuck into giving Toby a haircut and doing the housework - that is the plan anyway - the reality may look a little different lol

Re: A new start (kind of)

haha @Zoe7 yeah I can sympathise with that. You take good care of your pets which is nice to see.

I still miss my old dog. But we haven't the patience or time to take on board another. But it was good and I'm happy about that.

I am just watching a debate over my lunch (subway) after my gym session. I'm happy I have an appetite because that is a sign I'm relatively okay
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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