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Re: A long rave

@utopia @Mazarita @Bimby2 @Meowmy @eth @Shaz51 I'm so so so silly. I forgot to look after my own mental health. after having to put my friend and step son in for treatment over the last 2 weeks. I've neglected myself. oh so silly. yesterday and today all I've done is cry. and it feels great. I've done a little bit more today than yesterday. I just want these emotions to pass, so I can rejoin the world again. any idea on how long it will take?  or coping stratergies? I know I can't cry everyday, it just feels really good right now, I know i can't live in this dark place forever. I'm not suicidal. just emotionally drained. it's hit me hard. I need some guidance to get out of this place

Re: A long rave

@octavia hey, may be little bits of self care,little by little, bath, walking,coffee etc

Re: A long rave

@Meowmy yeah that's exactly what I'm doing. I've got an appointment with my gp in an hr. maybe he can point me in the right direction. after that I'm taking the dogs to the beach. it's my calm place. they need to distress just as much as me. 

Re: A long rave

@octavia good luck with go appointment. Hope it can help.

Re: A long rave

@Meowmy appointment went great. I cried some more, he's doubled my dosage of anxiety medication, I'm booked in tomorrow morning for a mental health assessment. he also asked if I could afford a private psycologist. I said yes of course I can, he said ok that's great because the public system takes too long. that angered me.  I said what happens to the people that can't afford it?  he said,  they fall through the cracks. now I'm in no shape to deal with that issue. I will, once I get better. but I'm capable to start the conversation, to say this is not ok, we strive as a society to be equal, and we still get divided by our economy class. if u need help, u should be able to get it. that's exactly why my step son is in the position he's in, I'm furious to know if he had the money he could've got better treatment. ugggh just ugggh 

Re: A long rave

Hi @eth and all,

I am probably hypomanic at the moment. Feeling a bit all over the shop. I could be doing this, I could doing that. I did do some cooking. I find that really helps with the overthinking, as does gardening. 

Re: A long rave

Hello @octavia  I Have been thinking of you soo much today after yesterday xx

Hello and had hugs @asdf   @Meowmy , @Bimby2  xx 

Re: A long rave

I could have cried today. It will be soon that I lose my bundle. Things are getting to me easily. Where is this resilience people speak of? I sure don't have any. I used to. Little things bother me. Noises; dogs yapping, motorbikes in undergound carparks, repetitive music, being late. 

Re: A long rave

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Re: A long rave

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