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Re: A long rave

@Mazarita I am really happy that you have C there with you :).

Re: A long rave

C is a huge blessing in my life, @greenpea. Although he has no diagnosis, he's really mad as a hatter at times. He's also possibly the sanest and wisest person at times as well. Such a kind person, though rough as guts in other ways too. He's gold. Smiley Happy

I think it's fantastic that you have such a good relationship with your ex. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita Mazzy .... I hate, hate, hate, needyness in friendships. It is what drives me away in the opposite direction ... I know it is a case of give and take in friendships but my children suck whatever caring I basically have out of me and I need friends who are self sufficient and strong in character. That is very hard to find. Most people want, want, want.

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita Yes having men like that in our lives is a valuable thing which I don't take for granted :).

Re: A long rave

@greenpea, so with you on that. I think with me it's that I know how unreliable I am. I can barely nurture myself let alone have a lot of demands by friends. Also, I don't like getting involved with other people's dramas too much, as I have enough drama going on inside of me. Having said that, I will reach out willingly for other people when it's of my own free will, like a gift, rather than an expectation.

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita You made me laugh Mazzy. I was like 'Yes, yes!' as I read your post. It should be treated as a gift not an expectation which is why us fire signs get on so well because we are independent in spirit even the ones who have been let's say shoved around by life.

I am going to do a group session soon  over 6 weeks so when it starts I will be friendly to everyone and hopefully the group will meet up for coffee after the group finishes if not that is okay too at least it is getting me out and about meeting new people and making possible friendships.

Re: A long rave

@greenpea, that sounds great with the group. It reminds me of my art group. I may slowly be making friends there (very slowly), but haven't had much contact outside of the centre where it's held. Mostly it's just great to hang out with other people with MI, all of us doing something creative together for the time we are there. Happy you are starting that, GP. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita Well Maz one final coffee before I head off. Thanks for the great conversation :D. Will talk later at some stage hopefully. Have a great day. Love greenpea xxx

Re: A long rave

Enjoy your early morning walk, @greenpea. Great chatting with you at length tonight. Catch you later. Heart Smiley Very Happy

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita I am really happy that you have that art group to go to a nice outlet to meet new people and do creative work and thanks Maz 🙂