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Re: A long rave

sorry I am a bit late @greenpea, I agree with @Mazarita  --  With your pdoc, I would maybe not worry about it until next time you see them. Then ask them to clarify what they meant,

-20 degrees where your son lives @greenpea BRRRRRRRRRRR

Hello @outlander, @Exoplanet, @CheerBear

Re: A long rave

@Shaz51 Hi Shaz51 son1 lives in Germany and yes the winters get down to -20 degrees at times so a big wooly scarf should be just the ticket although he is wandering arounding here in t shirt and shorts since he has been here ...  he is darn used to the cold he probably walks around in same in Germany.

Re: A long rave

Hi @greenpea@Shaz51@CheerBear@Exoplanet@outlander@frog and everyone,

GP, I only got the notification just about an hour ago for your message from last night about going out in the night that time, when there was luck that no trouble came of it. I missed the post when we were chatting last night. That was an amazing experience, so glad you came out of it safe. How was your morning walk? Heart

CB, thinking of you today. How are you travelling? Here if you would like to an ear. Heart

Exoplanet, it was great to see you here yesterday. Y'all come back now! Woman Happy Heart

 Hope the day is treating everyone well. Heart

Re: A long rave

hello @Mazarita, @greenpea Smiley Very Happy


Re: A long rave

Hi @Shaz51, scotirish sister. Heart

How is your day going?

I've just got back from my friend's place, coffee visit over a couple of hours. Always brightens my day to get out and see my friend. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita had such a great morning walk saying hellow to many people that I took my son again later on which he really enjoyed. Yes that was an interesting walk that one ... amazing I came out of it in one piece really Smiley Wink. How has your day been? Are you still in your pjs (I am back in mine and had a cat nap this afternoon).or did you get to visit your dear friend?

Re: A long rave

All dressed here, @greenpea. Dressed a bit warmly because all the glass doors are open and the overhead fan on full. It's not a hot day, gloriously mild and sunny out there, with a bit of a chill now that evening's coming. The reason for all the air flow in the flat is that C is cooking a roast lamb. This small flat fills up with the smell of any cooking that happens in the tiny kitchen (only one person can be in there at a time really). So every time cooking happens, we have to rug up, lol. 


Makes me smile that you had such a lovely morning walk. It's great when the mood is such that people (including me) are friendly enough to say hello. The beach walks I take here are good that way sometimes. 

Re: A long rave

hello my scotirish sister @Mazarita Heart

we had afternoon tea with my mum , and I have her favourite dinner cooking in the oven

mum made her bacon bone soup with everything in it but she was not happy with it so I was going to enhance the flavour but she has thrown it out


Re: A long rave

@Shaz51, pity your mum threw out the soup, when you might have made it taste better. Your mum sounds like a really good cook, who has high standards. What's her favourite dinner? Smiley Happy


Re: A long rave

Your mum sounds like a really good cook, who has high standards.-- sure has @Mazarita like her mum

 What's her favourite dinner -- Zuccinni and carrot quinch and I make her homemade  sausage rolls for her too

she lovedthe beef cassarole i made , so did mr shaz