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Re: A long rave

Im not a fan of public transport at all so your braver than i @Mazarita very glad ive got a car as its also my independence too. 

Its good to be able to see the light sometimes isnt it. A good memory for when the darkness seeps in.


I didnt know you done physio too. Hows that going for you? 

Re: A long rave

Hi @outlander I hope there is something they can do to sort your hand out too. 


@Mazarita So gorgeous to hear you talk of your good day 😊


Curious but in a caring way to hear how you are going too @CheerBear if you are up to it. 


Hoping @greenpea peas day got a little better too 


hugs to all 💜🤗

Re: A long rave

Im sure itll all work out eventually @Teej 


Hows things at your end?

Re: A long rave

To add to the good day, @outlander, my legs and feet were really good when I was walking around the suburbs between bus stops and places. It's a long time since they've felt so good. I'm guessing the rest from barefoot beach walking that the physio recommended, and her acupuncture and massage, as well as the exercises I've been (sometimes) doing... they all seem to be helping.


I guess you have exercises for your arm?


With cars, although I have a licence, I have developed a phobia about driving, haven't done it for years. Also scared as a passenger in cars, but I do it sometimes anyway (and half-meditate when I'm in there to get through it). Public transport is my independence. 

Re: A long rave

Smiled at that random thought @Mazarita. I think more teedj 😉. I’m not sure if you ever call yourself by your forum name..... I have 😳 and it’s always been teedj. It’s a nickname but I also found out is the following.... (cut and paste from Wikipedia 🤦‍♀️)

 Teej is a generic name for a number of festivals that are celebrated by Bahun jati in Nepal and some parts of India. Hartalika Teej welcomes the monsoon season and is celebrated primarily by girls and women, with songs, dancing and prayer rituals.
 Celebrations: wearing colorful dress maxima people using red because red is a symbol of love
Date: July/August/September
i thought that was pretty cool. Colour is a huge part of the festivals and it’s over 3months 😆

Re: A long rave

@Teej, that's what I've had in my head these years but every now and then I wondered whether it was the other pronunciation. Those festivals sound beautiful. I love that it's celebrated by women. Red is a symbol of love, I like that too. Maybe some songs and dancing might be good for you! I used to sing and dance. I still sing quietly to myself occasionally but dancing seems a bit of a stretch with my legs and feet. Still, there's always hope, especially today, lol.

Re: A long rave

Evening all. I am a very tired frog but it's good to hear what's been going on for you.

@Teej love your festival name!

@Mazarita glad you had a good one after being down for a while. It's a relief sometimes just getting a breather.

@outlander I hope you get some joy from the hand specialist. It's a pain, both literally and hassle-wise dealing with a persistent injury.

@Faith-and-Hope @CheerBear thinking of you.

I can't keep my eyes open much longer. Wishing you sleep and peace friends.

Re: A long rave

Hello everyone!

Hugest smile reading about your day @Mazarita! Best 😊 I'm so happy for you. Also random but enormously big smile at your question re @Teej 's name as it's genuinely been on my random list of things I must find out 😆 I wasn't sure if it was tee-jay or teeeeeej or teeDj sounding too haha! What a cool meaning @Teej 😊

Hugs for you @outlander

I'm running with "all's well that ends well" I think today, thank you for asking. I didn't do well with the catt psychiatrist at all and was massively triggered. I didn't swear, didn't cry, didn't personally attack anyone (there was him and a social worker there) but I couldn't help myself and I let them know how horrendous the process was and why, and I probably did it quite bluntly. Definitely did it that way. It ended well in that the social worker suggested I work only with one catt worker (rather than getring bounced between a rotating team) from here to avoid the re-tell my story again and again, and that it be a female worker. She's taking me on and we will "chat" on our calls, rather than run through a check box fire off of safety questions in a cold harsh way. And she's going to try to push the referral to get there faster ☺

Sorry that was a rave and maybe an out of context one by the time I press post! I feel good tonight for it though.

Hope anyone reading is having an OK/better than OK night too ❤

Re: A long rave

Actually I think it’s more teeeeej @CheerBear@Mazarita and TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJ when I’ve been naughty 😜😆


Definately go with the result @CheerBear. I’m pretty impressed no chairs were thrown through that process....... I wanted to once. It seems like a good (and logical yay) outcome. Go you! 


Thanks @frog. When I saw your name pop up I realised that I wanted to say that it was great news about the scans. ( I so hope I have the right person as I read that many hours ago 🤔) I hope you get a good nights sleep. 


Now im out for a bit. 

Re: A long rave

@frog, good to see you, even if you are a very tired frog. Thanks for your good wishes on my good day. Sleep well and peacefully. Heart

@CheerBear, I can imagine how awful it would be to have to repeat your experiences over and over. So glad it has worked out the way it has. Did you mean that she is going to push for the break sooner? That would be wonderful. Smile here that you wanted to ask the @Teej question too. Sorry that you had to go through a difficult catt session. Sounds like you handled the situation very well and achieved something more positive than it was shaping up to be. Never out of context to rave here, and long, feel truly free to do that. Heart

Take it easy, @Teej. Thanks for chatting with me. Heart