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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thanks @Anastasia @Former-Member @Peri @greenpea @WIP.

I too hope that my sister visited for the right reasons. I have to give her the benefit of the doubt, which I guess have. Although I just cannot deny this niggling (possibly unfair) feeling that the visit was purely for her own purposes or for perception reasons. I hope I'm wrong.

Ahhh lovely Greenpea ... glad your son likes meerkats too. I dont know where mum got her collection from, but she collected them over a number of years. She does have an Aldi store in her small town, but its not a shop she tended to go to. She stuck to her favourite IGA for her groceries, because she knew where everything was and knew everyone there. My mum was very outgoing and loved a chat.

Yes Peri and WIP ... Holly's wounds are healing well. I will make an apt to get sutures removed next Wed or Thurs. She will be happier then I think as I think the two surgery sites are beginning to itch a bit. Caught her trying to scratch at them a couple of times. Gently so far, thankfully.

Emelia πŸ’žπŸ€—πŸΆ

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Anastasia wrote:

I have been thinking about ways to support you as I know it's needed in bucket loads in the coming I'm going to do a  "A month of Celebrating Emelia" where each day I start with something to make you feel good. Today is day 1...


Dearest @Anastasia ... I am not ignoring your post from this morning.  Quite the opposite in fact.  I keep going back to it and re-reading the saying about 'strong women' and not knowing our own worth.  You know you fit very neatly into that category .. far more aptly than I do.  Some of the things in that saying, go way against how I see myself. 


I know I am yet to answer your question about how best to support me when I am in a triggered hyper-arousal state from my PTSD.  I promise I will respond on that tomorrow.  I guess I am trying to ignore the fact that the anniversary date is only 14 days away.  Unfortunately ignoring it, doesnt actually change it. Its quite hard though, to put in words how to help me.  Because I dont always know myself, and my needs can change from one thing to another.  I will try to explain that better when I post tomorrow, when I hope to have a little time to think more about it.


So for now ... thank you so very much for your kind words, and for your desire to help me, and so many others here.  You truly are an angel.


Emelia πŸ˜ŠπŸ’žπŸ˜‡

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Ohhh I love the meerkats photo @Emelia8 , @Anastasia 

Love the see, speak and hear no evil ones πŸ˜€

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

I’ve caught up on your news and love you meerkats. Looking forward to seeing where they actually take up residence @Emelia8 


You are both super strong Em and @Anastasia 

That is awesome news about the grant πŸ˜ƒ


I love you both πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Hi @Emelia8 @thank k you so much for your support buttons I am always so grateful to see them. I have been catching up on all your news and I love the pic of all 14 of your meerkats. They are so cute. Hope you are doing well my friend. 

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Day 2...


Love you more @Emelia8 πŸ’πŸŒ»πŸ€—πŸΎπŸ•πŸŒΈπŸ’•

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8 πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thanks @Shaz51, I love meerkats too. The see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil trio are only quite small, but yes I like them too. How are you Shaz ... you have been fairly quiet of late?

Thank you @Eve7 ... I will leave my meerkat family where they are for now, but may change in a week or two. Depends. I want you to know that you too are one of the strongest people I know Eve. I hope your 3 week managerial role at work is off to a good start today. Love you too.

Many thanks @Lee82 for your kind wishes. I have been following your posts and know things are not good for you right now. I really hope things turn around for you very soon. Please tag me anywhere anytime, and I will be there for you if I can. Thanks for asking ... still dealing with minor pain and major discomfort post radiation. But I think I may have turned the corner just in the last day or two. I see my oncologist tomorrow as well, and my psychologist Wednesday. I am coming up to a bad anniversary and can already feel the anxiety rising and the nightmares escalating. Sleep is always a problem and will become more so I think.

Thanks so much @Snowie ... you are always around for so many of us. Even if you arent feeling on top of the world, you still have much appreciated little messages to let us all know that someone is there listening and caring. Thank you ever so much. I hope you are feeling better today than you did yesterday.

Dear @Anastasia ... that is so so true. Thank you so much. Hope your work day is a good one today and that your Boy is okay.

Emelia πŸ€—πŸ’ž

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Anastasia asked me a few days ago how best to support me when I am badly triggered with my PTSD, at times such as the upcoming anniversary of my traumatic event.  I thought it may help others if I respond, as I know many others here suffer from PTSD as well.  I realise there is also meant to be an upcoming Topic Tuesday event covering Trauma.  


So my response will cover some of what I experience at such times, some of how I tend to respond, and some of how anyone supporting somebody through PTSD and trauma may be able to assist.  


So I hope this may be helpful to others, and I thank @Anastasia very much for asking this question. I hope I havent given you more than you bargained for.  πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•


@Anastasia @Lee82 @outlander @Snowie @Eve7 @Owlunar @Peri @greenpea @Clawde @eth @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @Faith-and-Hope @Zoe7 @Former-Member @WIP @Bow @Mellysmellyelly @BlueBay @NatureLover and anyone else reading along.




I become stuck in a state of constant alert while continually reliving the traumatic experience that caused the PTSD. I feel vulnerable and unsafe, as it all plays out over and over again in my head. I go through periods of anger ... feeling volatile, irritable, depressed .. and very stuck. 


This causes me to become frustrated with myself that this continues to happen after so long. I see myself as weak, a drama queen, unworthy of care or support.  I punish myself for my obvious weakness. I should be over this.


I withdraw from people, both online and in real life.  I want to be alone, but I also crave someone to reassure me that I'm strong enough to get through, and will be okay. Yet I will reject assistance, if its offered, saying I'm fine thanks.


But I know in my heart that I'm not fine at all. I struggle to get through each day. I don't sleep at night. And if I do, I wish I hadn't because I wake from vividly real and frightening nightmares.  During the day I suffer from flashbacks. Simple things will set me off .. a name, a place, the unique car he drove, a whiff of cigarette smoke ... and I see the man who did this to me. I see him there in the street, in the shop, in the car pulled up alongside me.  And I go into a panic ... unable to breathe, unable to scream, unable to open my eyes to reassure myself that it's not real.


Though I may reject it, I really need support. I need to know I'm not a burden on others.  I need to know someone understands. I need help to overcome my feelings of helplessness and despair, and deep anger that someone could do this to another person. There is almost a sense of grief .. that this person has destroyed my life. My life was changed irrevocably on that day. What he did to me, changed me and I continue to deal with the sick aftermath.


How can anyone support me?  I don't know, it's hard to know really. When I'm triggered and in a state of hyper-arousal, I'm quite volatile and change with the wind.  I don't always know myself, what I want or need.  One minute I may just crawl into a corner and shake and cry, needing solitude and quiet ... just hibernate until the storm is over. The next minute I will feel the need to talk about what happened .. over and over again.  Just the same as it is in my head ... all on repeat. I want acceptance, understanding, reassurance ... a need for hope, healing. But I dont know where you find that?


I need to know I can trust people again. I need to know that not everyone out there is bad. I need security, stability, a sense of routine. I crave normality and yet I know I'm not normal. I'll never be normal again .. I'm a deeply flawed and damaged human being.  That will never change.  These types of traumatic events cause a lifetime affliction.


I begin to doubt myself ... my judgement is amiss, my trust misplaced .. so therefore I must be to blame. And then I hate myself. My emotions are all over the place, and I just don't know how to change any of it. I can't sleep, I'm exhausted, I'm on edge, I feel tense with jaw tight and hands clenched ... and I feel very vulnerable and alone.


How can you help me through this?  Listen when I need to talk, reassure me that you care, encourage me to continue to do things that are good for me, be there for me. But perhaps the biggest thing ... is to please be patient with me. I am not a nice person when I'm like this, and I apologise in advance. But please be patient and remind me every now and then that you are still listening, still caring, still understanding and not judging.


Emelia πŸ’ž