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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Arr, yes, "the shopping gene" - sounds like my mum. And she loved m'cats too   (should of grabbed some when left there). Mum's do care no matter how much absence is inbetween / intheway for me, Good to focus on the caring. Enjoy your weekend, can't  wait to see the magei 💙💙💙

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Oh how delightful Em, I love them!!!

Thank you for showing us 😊

What a lovely little sight for you, and yes I have no doubt your dear Mum is watching over you always and now you have a very special reminder. What a beautiful spot to talk to her, especially on days when you feel most in need of your Mum. This has made my day dear @Emelia8 🌻🙏💞

I'm not much of a shopper either but I am going to buy a meerkat and call it Em, is that ok?  I'll have to put her out the front so my dog doesn't eat it :face_with_rolling_eyes: 

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Ha ha @Former-Member ... I had to have a laugh at what you said about my sister visiting.  Its always my first reaction ... shock, horror, hide.  But in fact it was a nice visit.  She was here for about 3 hours ... which is perfect.  Not enough time for her to start running down my brother, or to start her typical bullying and overbearing behaviour of me.  She was really quiet nice ... wanted to know how I was after my surgery, radiation, ongoing treatment, etc.  Wanted to know prognosis and where to from here.  I may be a horrible person for thinking it ... but I cant help thinking she may have $ signs in her eyes.  If I die, she will be in line to inherit more ... from both my Dad when he goes, and from me when I go. Not that either of us have much to leave anyone ... but she is pretty greedy and very money hungry, which I find very upsetting.  She just is not the person I grew up with and I think her husband has a lot to do with that side of things.  Which is a shame. He did not come with her to visit us, which is not unusual for him. He is a very odd fellow that one.  Often downright rude and dismissive.  He is someone who totally ignores you and even turns his back on you, simply because he is in a bad mood.  I think he is into some recreational drugs, which affects him.


Are you having a quiet day today after your recent travels @Former-Member ... you and little GG?  Oh goodness, I assure you that I am most definitely NOT amazing.  But I thank you for being so kind as to think I may be, even just a little. Not much happening here today.  Hubby not well, as he hasnt been the last week or so.  Not sure whats going on there, but he has several specialist apts coming up over the next couple of weeks.  Perhaps they can work something out.


Emelia 💞🐶

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thanks @Anastasia 🤗💕


Oh yes, I hope you do buy a little Meerkat, and by all means call it Em.  How lovely!

Ha ha, that may be a good idea to protect Em from your dog. Although I suspect that they little Meerkat would put up a pretty good fight.  They are very protective of family, and always have a sentry on alert ... so would see the dog coming.


Speaking of dogs ... here is a quick pic I took of my little Holly last night while she was sleeping.  Shows her neck wound and the swelling around it. Her battle scars, poor baby. She is doing well though, the dear little thing.


Emelia 💞🐶🤗


Holly Op Feb 2021.jpg



Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Our dog is a curious George and he has managed in his curiosity to move the rocks that surrounds the garden bed and in turn cause a moat in the back yard!!! Haha cheeky boy, I think I would introduce him to Em but wouldn't leave them alone together 😁 waiting for Holly"s pic to open, thank you for sharing. God bless her.

Sorry to learn of your sisters behaviour in the past, that makes me sad. I always wanted a sister but so often hear unhappy stories around relationships. I hope she was there for the right reasons, I really do. 



Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Awwww dear Holly 😔🙏🐕🐾💞


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Oh my... @Emelia, everything you say about your sister could of come out of my mouth for mine, even the $ eyes (I think my sibs want me to die before dividing up dad's estate, so they get more), but gotta stop going there, it's true "money is the root of evil" if we put it in the foreground. Best not. Sad to feel people's motives are often not 'for' us though. But yes, "what other people think is none of our business" Half the problem is people don't even know what they're doing or feeling themselves anyways, half the time. Get caught out if  /when empaths highlight what they sense... oops, raving again. Best not go there. Glad the 3hrs went well, and that your sis DID bother at least (no matter the reason), actions speak louder than any words for me, and I'm sure it's occurred to your sister that she really doesn't want to lose you. Gotta stay positive 🌻🌻🌻 Hugzz

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Dear @Emelia8 ,

i love the meerkats, and what a great spot for them. They make me laugh.  I have a couple of Alexander meerkats 

dear little Holly, I hope she is getting better.

the visit from your sister sounds interesting. People are all so different, even in that same families, but it sounds like she was just genuinely concerned for you.   Money is a tricky one as it is essential to live but can be such a negative in life and some of us can depend on it for happiness.

i used to be a shopper, but am not much interested now   I have enough crap as it is and apart from a few things my sons will just put it all in a dumpster when I die.

i am sorry that your husband is not well and hope that the specialists can sort it out.

it is going to be hot here today, but it is quite overcast so a bit gloomy, I like to see the blue skies that go on forever. 

I hope you have a sweet day


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8lol my eldest son1 has a thing about meerkats. I bought him a meerkat from Aldi looks exactly like the meerkat your mother has with the coat :Dxxx

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Awwww, beautiful dear Holly - healing well. @Emelia8  🐾❤️❣️