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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Yes thanks @Anastasia ... it was nice. She was an hour late though! Hubby would not wait, so I fed him and he was having his sleep by the time she got here.


But we had a nice chat over lunch. Then arvo tea, and she left about an hour ago.


I have unpacked my meerkats, all 14 of them. Will give them a good clean before doing any more. 


I read your bf wants to take you out for dinner tonight. Enjoy. 😄


Em 💞

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

14! How lovely Em 🤗 I am looking forward to seeing where you put them @Emelia8 


Shame she was late and hubby missed out but I guess it gave you a chance to catch up properly just the two of you? 


Yes tonight should be nice...our relationship is strained with what goes on so never easy. 


I forgot to tell you...I got the grant!!! More than my salary for the company, a huge win. Pretty chuffed. That will make for lots of extra work ahead but it was so worth it and now I don't feel like I have to justify my existence to my peers there. Very happy about that 🙂

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8 Here's a couple from the zoo last week 








Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Oh @Anastasia ... that is fantastic news! 😄🎉  I know how much time, effort and stress went into that application. So, well done you.💰👍


I didnt think you would get a result so soon. Really happy for you. I expect your boss will be pretty impressed by your efforts as well, and just as happy with the results of your hard work.


Something to celebrate at dinner tonight. 🌷


Emelia 💞

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thank you beautiful, I knew you'd be happy for me. My boss was working from his home office and actually phoned me to congratulate me @Emelia8 😊

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Hi @Emelia8 - just checking in, sounds like healing is moving in the right direction for you and little Holly 🤗 and U have good supports, and shock horror, your sister is visiting 😯 hide the knives lol Not really, I'd like to say people try harder with age but i've learnt not. Hope yours is better. At least ya trying. You're amazing! 💙💙💙

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8 🌻💕🐾🐕💕


 @Former-Member @outlander @Eve7 @Bow @@snowie @wip arghhh tagging on phone = frustrating...this is for you too...

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

I have been thinking about ways to support you as I know it's needed in bucket loads in the coming I'm going to do a  "A month of Celebrating Emelia" where each day I start with something to make you feel good. Today is day 1...






Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Good morning @Emelia8 

Hoping your day goes well today hon.


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Hi everyone.  @Anastasia @Snowie @Former-Member @outlander @Eve7 @greenpea @WIP @Bow @Peri @BlueBay @Owlunar @NatureLover  @Clawde and anyone else following along.


@Anastasia ... I wanted to wait until I was on my PC to see your meerkat photos from your zoo visit.  And they took a while to come though yesterday.  But I have now checked them out properly ... thank you so much.  They are great photos and I really appreciate them.  I think Meerkats are my favourite wild critters, followed by frogs.  They are very cute, but also ferocious.  And somehow they remind me of Holly ... sometimes she sits up with her ears flat to her head and looks just like a meerkat.


Well, I have now given my Mums meerkat collection a good clean up.  There were quite a few yukky spiders on them too.  Eeek!  I am not quite sure if I will leave them in this position, or whether I will move them to another spot. It is overlooked from our back deck, and can also be seen through our living room window.  A reminder that my Mum is watching over me I guess.  I may add to my meerkat collection over time, if I see any more I like. I am not a shopper, but it gives me something to actually shop for.  My mum was a big shopper, as is my sister.  Not sure how I managed to escape the shopping gene.


But I took a photo to show you anyway.  Hope the photo comes up okay.


Emelia 💕


Mums Meerkats Rehomed.jpg