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Re: Trying to stay Sane

Dear @Anastasia , thinking of you lots and especially your Dad. Sending wishes... 💚

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thank you dear friend. A really confronting difficult night but today is a new day, I appreciate your wishes dear @NatureLover 


Wishes and coffee and extra love back to you precious friend 🙏💞

Re: Trying to stay Sane

My beautiful son visited tonight and I had a brief opportunity to take a break and chat to him.

I broke down, he said I look terrible. 

Seeing someone you love struggling like this is just heartbreaking.

My mother is not coping very well at all.

I feel like the glue holding it all together. 

Deep breaths, Namaste or something like that!!!!!


Re: Trying to stay Sane

Sitting with you @Anastasia . You are very brave. 

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thank you @tyme I don't feel brave at all.

Its confronting, and scary and all the emotions. I appreciate your company 💙

Re: Trying to stay Sane

You're right @Anastasia . Sometimes, taking steps of bravery may not feel so brave, yet they are the steps needed to make a difference.


I here for you. Sitting with you. Holding your hand despite the scariness of the journey you are taking.


Take Care,


Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thank you. Gosh I hope it's making the difference for him @tyme 🙏

Think I'll head to bed thank you again x

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Have a good rest @Anastasia .


Catch you later,


Re: Trying to stay Sane

I’m sure you’re making a difference @Anastasia 

just been there for your dad 

and also for your mum 

giving you a big big hug lovely 

you are a beautiful daughter and so caring 

thinking of you xxxooo 🙏😘

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi, dear friend @Anastasia 


You said you had  "really confronting difficult night" on Weds night...oh gosh 😞


Are you able to sleep in small bursts? 


Your poor Mum, too 😞 Is she not coping with the end-of-life heartbreak, or is it that you both need more help with the physical caring?


I'm also concerned as you wrote that your boy's due to come out of hospital at the end of the week, which is about now...


Sending wishes (among other things) for you and your Mum's endurance and strength - emotional, mental and physical. And enough sleep in small bursts.


Much 💚 and hugs to you...