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Re: Staying Safe


Thinking especially of  today.


Re: Staying Safe

Hi @Former-Member


Thanks for your kind thoughts. I’m jet lagged from arriving today from an overseas holiday planned so we missed the first altogether. We left 31st Dec and arrived home 2nd Jan. Our plan. We spent the time somewhat in the twilight zone which suited us all just fine.

We held our breath and though we had insurance, not for mental health though, we took our son and thankfully it went well. 

We didn’t want Christmas without our lost son and liked being on holiday where days run together and you lose track of time.

Kind regards to you and yours.


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Re: Staying Safe

Hi @WinterSun 

Quick check in to see how you are going.

Re: Staying Safe

Hi @Former-Member 


Things are okay. As good as they can be. 

Son is taking more responsibility regarding psychologist which is good. The routine of work is good for him.


Life without our son who ended his life continues with its ripple effects. It is so hard to walk this road. I wish those who contemplate that course of action could understand the terrible heartache they leave those around them with.

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Re: Staying Safe

Hi @WinterSun 

How are you going?

Re: Staying Safe

Hi @Former-Member


Thanks for checking in. Still going along. Hope your okay.


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Re: Staying Safe


Checking in to see how you are going.

Re: Staying Safe

Hi @Former-Member


Life is challenging.

I’m sick of being sworn at by my son. 

I have worked hard to ensure everyone around me is managing after the death of my son but it doesn’t go both ways.

My son can’t seem to stand me having any weakness so I can’t process other sons death. 

I’m over it and wish I could just walk away.


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Re: Staying Safe

@WinterSun  can you give yourself permission to grieve - I find I need to articilate my needs to Mr Darcy, and ask him to hold me and let me cry if needed (and not say anything).  


Do you feel strong enough to have a conversation around boundaries in relation to respect/language?

Re: Staying Safe

He won’t follow boundaries.

Even if we define them he breaks them.

It’s not acceptable for me to be weak and never has been.