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Re: Staying Safe


I do hope son + pdoc connect and that a good therapeutic alliance happens.

Trust hubby remains stable too. Relatively steady here.

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Re: Staying Safe

@WinterSun how is hubby faring in all of this? Do I remember right he has BP as well?


Re: Staying Safe

Hi @Former-Member


My hubby is bi polar on meds. He previously had ect which was the turning point in recovery.

He continues to see his psych dr twice a year for monitoring. He has continued as needed with psychological counselling.

At the moment he sees a psychologist that was recommended through the coroner skilled in suicide grief.

Hubby is a carer and thrives on helping others it gives him purpose and direction. At this point we have things in place if help required dr and private hospital access for us all too.

So different to years ago when he was unwell and and we didn’t have the knowledge to navigate the system.



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Re: Staying Safe

Trust he remains stable for you @WinterSun




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Re: Staying Safe

Checking in @WinterSun, how are you going?



Re: Staying Safe

Thanks for checking. Just completed second suicide survivors group has probably been the most helpful in moving forward. Like this forum support and understanding from those in a similar situation.
Work has been super busy and I’m glad that I’m so occupied.
Hope you are going well.
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Re: Staying Safe

Hi @WinterSun

Thinking of you.

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Re: Staying Safe

@WinterSun thinking especially of you. images (35).jpeg


Re: Staying Safe

Hi @Former-Member


Apologies for the slow reply and thank you for the beautiful picture. I love gardening and even enjoy digging the clover out of the lawn in the sun. Very relaxing.

We are about to complete third suicide survivors group and that is a major source of help that has assisted us to endure our loss. Their support and those of the other group members has helped us to feel somewhat normal in our situation as bad and as sad as it is.

Son has stayed the course with his job the continuity has done him well. He fluctuates in his condition, as we know full well, is the pattern of mental illness. Though it changes at this point he is relatively in the middle.

With what he has had to endure with the passing of his brother in such awful circumstances it is a miracle he’s still on his feet.

The new psych dr has been a more positive experience and normalises things for him.

He has been engaging with the psychologist too.

We will be going away with a couple of extra family members to distract us from the coming season.

Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts.

I wish you and your family, and all those who read this, the very best for Christmas and the coming year.


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Re: Staying Safe

 @WinterSun thanks for checking in,  think of you often and how you and yours are. Am really pleased son has been relatively stable and engaging with treatment, trust that this will continue through the holiday season.  


Hope your break away is pleasant, will check in again in the new year. 🌸