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Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Thanks @tyme 

The OT is reaccesing mum and will be back on Monday, 

I will voice my need for support as seeing mum in the hospital  today -- I think she is not ready to be where she was before her fall on Tuesday 

Not sure to write my concerns done or try and see the OT on Monday if I can 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Yes mum has a alarm alert @BlueBay , @Jacques which she did use when she had her fall xxxc

Yes @BlueBay I think it is too early for her to come home too xx

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Shaz51 it's a while ago now but Dad had an OT assessment for aids and equipment at home (walker, rails etc), community social programs (he wasn't interested), help with shopping and housework and respite. I got him a wearable personal alarm too. He exhausted himself trying to do chores while I was at work and didn't 

allow himself quiet time reading & watching TV. He badly missed my mother. Everyone's different and in any relationship particularly one of dependence and care there has to be a lot of trust on both sides that things are working out. If your mum has a fracture she'll be very fragile and needing nursing care, she's very unlikely to be mobile. She'll be needing a lot more personal care and lifting could be difficult. I think her diagnosis and prognosis will come first before you can make decisions about home care and whether you'll need support services. You'll also need to be realistic about what you can manage given your health and upcoming dialysis. 

Lots of love to you and yours @Shaz51 this is a significant life stage for you all. It could be a good idea to write things down... eg use SWOT (list strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats) to help your decisions.





Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Very true @Dimity xoxo 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Shaz51 i would suggest ringing my aged care asap and explain your situation and get her assessed for either CHSP or a home care package.
if shes in hospital ask them to have some community support put into place. you can usually get up to 8 weeks support for free when being discharged from hospital. ask to speak to the OT, social worker or a patient advocate to see what supports your mum can get for home.

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Thank you @outlander 

Yes seeing mum  today and telling her she is not ready to come home as we are still working and will be not home for up to 6 hours 

I told her we need some help , the OT is coming tomorrow 

And this week I need to see the kidney specialist this week and Mr shaz needs the dentist 

@Dimity , @BlueBay , @Jacques , @tyme , @Former-Member 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

I was not very liked by my mum today @tyme , @Former-Member , @Dimity , @Jacques , @BlueBay , @moderator 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hugs @Shaz51 I think you're making the right call. Hope the OT and medical team tomorrow are helpful. 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Me too @Dimity , mum can not do things for herself  so how is she going to do them on her own at home xx

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

 @Shaz51 true. Also there's @outlander 's suggestion re finding out how My Aged Care can help after the hospital depending on what the OT says... 

Hope your aunties and cousins are able to help reassure your mum...