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Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

@NikNik. Yep, it is super hard having had dozens of people leave my world. The first was in 1997 and the last was in November of last year. I'm done with the "real" human interaction now (as opposed to online interaction). Over the years, as I developed more insight into my muddle, I would tell people "do not get closer to me than you can sustain." But alas, oh-so-many people somehow thought that they were special and that they were THE ONE who was going to be able to "fix" my muddle. They would dive in, realise how big my muddle was, and then dive out again, which just made my muddle bigger. That is super super SUPER unhelpful!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

@NikNik I think I have gone through and am going through both Compassion Fatuige and Burnout... It has been a 24/7 situation for quite a while. And through multiple different people.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

@NikNik Can I get Burn Out from my own self care?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

This is my current experience too :s

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Hi all.  So sorry I'm late.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

wow @NikNik

Looking at the Compassion fatigue ----  that is what i have , thank you for clearing that up @NikNik

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Have just joined in on this forum. There's a lot to take in but from what I have gleamed it's so very important to take care of yourself as otherwise your effectiveness in helping others could be severely impaired. A bit like the "put your own breathing mask on first" situation.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

@utopia wrote:
@NikNik Can I get Burn Out from my own self care?

@utopia I'm curious to know what you mean???

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

While I'm not surprised, I am sad to read that so many people have experienced burn out and/or compassion fatigue.

To remember the difference, I think of 'Burn Out' as a slow burning candel - it's all consuming and slow, while compassion fatigue I think of running and the fatigue that quickly swamps me when I run... for a block (I'm not fit!), but after having a short break and some water, I can keep on running. The impact doesn't last as long.


Does that help? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

I think I get that @Phoenix_Rising after reading lots of your posts. I can see how it would happen and repeat and I also understand with your complexities how very difficult it would be and keep adding to your muddle. I'm sorry that has happened so much for you. 💜🤗