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Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Hi everyone 

My most common responses to flashbacks and to new traumatic incidents are to try and get away, block it out - a combination of flight and freeze responses, not usually fight. 

If I can't leave the situation I disassociate; if I can, I go to bed and stay there. Then beat myself up about being freaked out, tell myself I should be able to cope better. 

Watching lots of tv online or reading all night. Poor self-care - not showering, eating poorly, not going outside. Isolating myself. 

When I get a bit of perspective on what's happening, I try to think of what strategies helped me last time, but often I'm not thinking clearly, and if depression and anxiety kick in, I don't believe that anything will work to manage the PTSD, and I can't think of any way of feeling safe except avoidance and isolation. 

Eventually the cocooning, sleeping, and distractions get me calm enough that I can think of things like asking for help (usually on Facebook to start with), and then I might be able to use some strategies, do better self-care, and start to engage with the world again 

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Oh yeah, the big ones, self harm & suicidal thoughts - bouts of these are off the stress scale. Inability to cope with stress. Can't make decisions. Basically a basket case half the time it seems...

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Oh yes, being do indecisive. I identify

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

* (not do)

Hi all

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Hey @Former-Member, tonight's TT is a discussion with everyone, so I will ut some questions out there and we can all join in and talk about them. Hope that helps Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

@greenspace, could you leave a list somewhere of strategies that work for you so you just have to look at the list rather than trying to think of something when you are not in a space where you are able to think clearly? Just an idea.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

In regards to your question about tonight's format - feel free to post and respond to other members.
@Former-Member & I are here to prompt responses if needed and also put questions to the community to explore the different aspects of trauma and your experiences. So you may see some questions pop up from @Former-Member 🙂
Hopes that helps.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

I find myslef overthinking and being in an anxious state a lot of the time. Being in control is something I have had to work on majorly just to help with any kind of relationships I have with others.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Yes self care, boundries with significant others to protect myself, finding a purpose beyond myself are all things I am now aware of that help me to move forward through PTS and Depression.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST


I have been physically and mentally abused for the past 33 years, it has been a tough journey. 

The way  i cope is self care, by doing the best i cn t self love myself in small acts of telling my body that i love it ehile i am showing and washing myself gently with love. I meditate most night, I make myself go to the gym nd exercise even though i dont want too, becaue i always feel much better after a workout, I go hiking when i can to be with nature, that usually helps ground me and feel calm in nature. I also only surround myself with people who get me and accept me for who i am. This is what i do to keep me afloat, its not easy especailly when i find it a challange to get out of bed every day but it does help me keep my job and feel like i have something to live for. I guess for me, I just keep moving, I have too..