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Re: Topic Tuesday // Forming Habits // 17 Jan. 7pm AEDT

That's a very familiar scenario @whatnow!  What seemed to make the difference for me was attaching/pairing the new healthy habits with existing activities.  And taking the choice out of it - that's where it becomes a habit.

So now I walk or cycle to work.  It's not a decision I have to make each day - it's just a fact of life and so I just crack on with it.  No matter the weather.  And on workdays I have green smoothie's for breakfast and salads for lunch.  These are decisions that I have made and just get carried out.  The rewards are then a more relaxed approach on weekends where I pretty much eat what I like and move only as much as I want.  That balance seems to work.

But I certainly wasn't always this person.  It's still quite new and not something I put down to discipline.  It's habit not willpower.  Does that make any sense?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Forming Habits // 17 Jan. 7pm AEDT

So what are some things that help give up things like sugar? I did unintentionally this time last year but it was after I didn't eat for 10 days when I was grieving heavily. When I started eating it again via chocolate in winter I can't stop now. Any ideas?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Forming Habits // 17 Jan. 7pm AEDT

Love this. I moved and cycle to work and back daily, only for 8 mins, its now just a habit. Same as I try to do what you do for the most part with food, you are doing great!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Forming Habits // 17 Jan. 7pm AEDT

Hi Teej, you might be missing out on some magnesium in your diet. Another thing which works, is just try not to buy it, I know.....because Im like you...I buy it and just eat eat eat it. But you can get out of the habit of eating it or just make it a special thing. Its comfort eating, but we can break the habit

Re: Topic Tuesday // Forming Habits // 17 Jan. 7pm AEDT

and sorry to hear of your loss

Re: Topic Tuesday // Forming Habits // 17 Jan. 7pm AEDT

The sugar thing is really complex @Former-Member.  It's tied to pleasure centres in our brain - essentially lights up the same part of our brain as cocaine!  But getting off the carb cycle in general (I only eat carbs at night now as they help me sleep) helps to reduce sugar cravings overall.  This is still my Achilles heel though and one I'm working on more conscientiously this year.

One important thing to remember is the 15 minute distraction rule.  It's been shown that cravings will pass if we distract ourselves (properly immerse ourselves in another activity) for 15 minutes.  Give it a try.  it often works for me.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Forming Habits // 17 Jan. 7pm AEDT

Note I say also that I have a list. I have yet to do any of those things. My excuse at the moment which isnt a lie is that Im unwell, but also broke. But when I get paid next I plan to put some things into action. I really want to start swimming too. But I need to have the get go to do these things and do them, rather than just be writing a list. I need to get motovated

Re: Topic Tuesday // Forming Habits // 17 Jan. 7pm AEDT

I think we've all been there @CARING4CARERS.  And probably still are to an extent.  Motivation is really key.  And sometimes that means we need to deliberately create an event that will increase our motivation.  What got me started was an overseas holiday where I was seeing friends and family for the first time in 5 years.  Wanting to look better for that holiday was the motivation I needed to keep getting back on track when I slipped up.  And we all do slip up.  It's the resilience to start again that really makes the difference.

What new habits are you trying to create?  Maybe we can work on helping you create more motivation to keep at it.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Forming Habits // 17 Jan. 7pm AEDT

Are you making sure you're starting small @Drdoolittle?  Maybe one new activity a week?  One of the ways we often de-rail ourselves is by expecting too much or aiming too high.  We then get over-whelmed and when we 'fail' we simply confirm our deepest fear.

So we need to set ourselves up to win - with simple goals and realistic expectations.  All the changes that I've made have been gradual. One at a time that gradually add up to a healthier picture overall.  If you try one new activity a week - with maybe a reward for going - you'll look back after a few months at a whole host of new experiences and people in your life.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Forming Habits // 17 Jan. 7pm AEDT

Thanks @Former-Member. I might try the 15 min distraction tactic. Is there any info/ideas on how many habits you can work on at once or is it a matter of trying to focus on one at a time? 

Thanks @Drdoolittle. I have tried keeping it out the house but if I go shopping when craving I'm in trouble. Also If I do go when the craving hits to get something sweet from the shop I bring home the whole confectionery isle. :face_with_rolling_eyes:😳