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Re: Ask Anything Monday!


Hello and welcome to the forum

Hello @NikNik 

That is good advice @BlueBay xx

what helps me switch off at the end of the day is a nice soak in Epsom Salts , very relaxing

another thing I have been enjoying is drinking green tea and Chamomile Tea

What do you enjoy doing ?? reading , I like reading magazines which I can pick up anytime

Music -- what music do you like ,

do you like doing jigsaw puzzles


Re: Ask Anything Monday!


Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Ask Anything Monday banner.png

Happy Monday everyone!

Thanks to @Shaz51 & @BlueBay for your responses to the previous question.

This week's question is:

I feel guilty about everything. I turn on the news - I feel guilty that I have better circumstances than some poor person who was assaulted, my friend gets sick, I feel guilty that I'm not always there for them, someone pulls out in front of me in their car, and even know I know it's their fault, I find myself wanting to apologise!

Does anyone else feel a constant feeling of guilt and like they don't deserve the things they have in life?

Not applicable

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Hi everyone, thought I'd try and drum up a bit of discussion around this question - it's an interesting one! There's been a bit of talk about guilt today on a couple threads. Does anyone have any thoughts to contribute?? @Shaz51@BlueBay@utopia@Mazarita@Faith-and-Hope, @Former-Member, @Appleblossom


Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Hi @Former-Member
I feel guilty for having a mental illness. I feel guilty that horrible things happened in my life. I feel guilty for disclosing my childhood abuse to my parents.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Thank you @Former-Member and @NikNik xx

Hello and welcome to the forum

it is  an interesting  question and Yes I do feel guilt in lots of situations


Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Yes "admission of guilt" was big in my R.C. programming.  It has been hard work to reduce it from crippling levels .. to just saying sorry.  Once I realised the only thing I had done all week was meekly apologise to everyone .. and I actually had not said anything else.  I tried to actively turn that around .. add a bit more assertiveness with the apologies. Does that I mean I am passive aggressive .. I dont know .. I try and be up front .. rather than deny issues .. can only keep trying .. dont really have an acceptable "out" clause in my life .. had to be stoic for a long time ... but then seeing versions of myself in sitcoms .. I can laugh at it a bit .. but only with enough distance .. from pain.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Yes @Former-Member

"admission of guilt" is feeling guilt that I should do more for my mum and mother in law

I should do more to help my hubby who has Mi


Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Hey @Former-Member what happened to our discussion??

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

"Does anyone else feel a constant feeling of guilt and like they don't deserve the things they have in life?"

I wouldn't say a constant feeling of guilt .... although guilt is the most immediate or obvious response in some situations ... but for what I have in life ??  I think, only if I catch myself not being appreciative of what I have and how we live .....

Guilt, to me, is a form of pain, and pain is usually there to tell us something ..... for instance if we have overdone something physical then pain is telling us to slow down.  

Guilt can be telling us that we could be doing more to help someone, or to support something, or to appreciate something ....

Perhaps the opposite of guilt is compassion .... and that is far more purposeful to my mind.  Compassion  is often an involuntary response, but acts of compassion are a deliberate connectivity, and I like that ....its contributing to the fabric of society,