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Re: Ask Anything Monday!

I tend to do a lot of talking with my psychologist only because session is 1 hour. But also my psych will listen and talk with me too about my issues sleeping pattern meds ect. It's harder with my psych as aession is only 30 mins. Not a long time to talk.
I also find my gp really good he will sit and listen and never rushes me out the door.
Guess it depends on time and therapists.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

As @Mazarita said it really depends on the psychiatrist as to how much talk therapy is appropriate. I think the really important thing is that your psychologist is in regular contact with your psychiatrist. This is also important for your GP.

My psychiatrist, psychologist and GP work as a team. They regularly communicate with one another to ensure that I am receiving the best treatment possible.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

My psychiatrist normally only speaks to me regarding my sleep patterns, any increase or decrease in my depression or anxiety, how many panic attacks I may have had & how I feel my medication is working.
My psychologist asks for an overview of the above. But wants to know what was occuring prior to my panic attacks. To talk about what I am anxious about. And then we look at whether my thoughts around my anxiety are reasonable and what I can do to reduce these worries. Also other areas of my life. Eating patterns. Am I mixing with my friends. Doing activities I enjoy. Or am I hiding away. And how my son is doing & our relationship.
My gp then checks how I'm feeling. Any depressive episodes since our last visit. What is causing me stress. How my son is. How I'm going looking for work. To make sure Workcover & Centrelink aren't causing too many problems.
Each of them has a role to play on supporting me. They each have different strengths. And they all need to communicate well with each other and with me - to help me with my recovery
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Re: Ask Anything Monday!


I think it depends a lot on the individual psychiatrist and the condition being treated as well perhaps. My psychiatrist doesnt do a lot of talk therapy but asks a lot of questions to decide if my 'condition' is improving or not and asks about my medications/makes suggestions re medications. The appointments rarely go for longer than 20 - 30 min.


Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Hello and welcome to the forum

I go to a psychologist and psychiatrist. How much talking therapy should the psychiatrist be doing with me. Is all of that the responsibility of the psychologist or both?

It does depends ,

in our experience our psychiatrist mostly talk about the meds , side affects such as sleep or other things that might be bothering us through the meds

Our psychologist did the talking therapy , talking , explaining ,