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April Community Wrap 🎉

Hi everyone! 


We are back at it with another wrap-up of what happened on the SANE Forums this month Heart


Trending topics:

👏Celebrate a member:

This month we wanted to do shout-outs to these members for their contribution to our online community.


@bipolarbunny for openly sharing your experiences and letting members know that things can change for the better, and we are all worth it here.


@AussieRecharger  for encouraging a member to look after themselves and letting know that the forums are a safe and non-judgemental space for all to share their thoughts and experiences here


@Mrsjones for welcoming and offering suggestions on what has helped you, which might be helpful for others to try here. "find those things that make you feel like you


🎉SANE events to take part in next month

Our next Topic Tuesday (Tuesday, 11th of May 2021) will touch on the topic of peer support. Please stay tuned for more information from the Forums team!


The next Online Peer Group Chat is on Thursday 6th May, 7-8:30pm AEST. The group will discuss how and why we should care for ourselves. Take a look here for more information.


🔦Spotlight on:


On the 13th of April, we welcomed a special guest from ARCVic (The Anxiety Recovery Centre in Victoria) to talk about living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. You can take a read of the discussion here.


At the end of the month, we were joined by special guests from Turning Point to discuss all things related to substance use, mental health, and recovery from addiction. Together, our guest speakers and the community explored places where people can seek help for substance use habits or addiction and help to support a loved one who might be on their recovery journey. You can take a read of the discussion here.


SANE Forums team also shared a few things members need to know about staying anonymous and maintaining your privacy on the SANE For.... Whether you are new to the forums or have been here for some time, it might be good to read through this thread Smiley Very Happy


quote.pngQuote of the month:

“My Sane family in times of turbulance is my rock. You are my second family” – Greenpea 


“In my later years I have embraced the idea that in a big way I am living for those I love. In that way they help us, and in many other ways too. Love is the best thing about life for me”-  Mazarita 


“Despite any diagnosis everyone presents differently and has different experiences. Despite the label, the person is the same and should be treated so” – Tansy25 


Tagging those who supported last month’s wrap to receive a notification:

@BPDSurvivor @Snowie @Zoe7 @ShiningStar @Mazarita @Peri @Determined @eth @Shaz51 @Emelia8 @Bow 

Do you know someone that could be celebrated in the next wrap or see a quote you think could be shared here? Feel free to email our team at 


If you are enjoying reading our monthly wraps - hit the support button, and we will notify you when the next one is up!