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- Author : Molly22
- Support : 4
- Topic : Something’s not right
@Former-Member @Zoe7 Thanks guys for the lovely messages yesterday. Always nice to wake up to notifications that someone cares.
Due to my chronic pain and physical limitations I'm in bed frighteningly early. WAY before dark. But also up earlier than most. I have this cut-off window of opportunity to speak to people, usually no later than 5pm. Now I understand my autism it's probably more to do with that. I shut down mentally after around 4-5pm. But I'm sure this will not be the case when hubby is gone as I will be all alone.
I totally understand @Former-Member about being shy at first. I'm pretty not shy online but in person it can take me awhile to trust. Actually if I'm honest, I never totally trust. Been broken too many times by too many people. And I'm very much an introvert so in person I can really only hold a conversation with one person at a time. That's also very much an autism thing. I'm pretty good one on one but as soon as you add a third person I get all confused and never know when it's my turn to talk.
So hubby leaves next week. I'm feeling a mix of kinda OK and accepting, and still sorta hoping his flight gets cancelled cause of covid. I know that's selfish but I can't help it. I know I have some supports in place now, which helps. Just this gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach that most likely won't ever go away until hubby is back home safe again.
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