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05 May 2016 09:48 AM
Senior Contributor

Thank you very much, NikNik, I am very interested in Bipolar disorder and I want to learn as much as I can. The more I learn about it, the more I am able to help myself. WIth the help of the nice people on yhis site, I may be able to learn a lot more.

The picture that you put up, tells a thousand stories, to me,  and it is also open to interpretation; but everything in life is open to interpretation. We see from our particular perspective and we often stick to our guns in terms of what we believe and how we see things. But not all is what it seems and I am learning to be a lot more humble than I have been in the past. I was quite silly, NikNik, I thought that I had all of the answers. So my journey now is towards humbleness and humilty. That is the Bipolar Grandiosity that had taken over in the past. But now I have learned how to laugh at it and be as humble as I can be, which is a struggle because some type of delusion of grandeur, to a lessser or greater extent, is part of some people that suffer with Bipolar disorder like me.


The first thing I thought about this picture is two possibilities: the Road to Recovery; or The Road to Despair. It is not just what is wrong with us, it is how we travel inside, our journey. That is what it is all about, the kind of journey that we are in. WHich road are we going to take or which road are we on and can we change? I think that anyone can change but it is hard work, hard work and more hard work.

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