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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

@Zoe7 I'm feeling alright, just organising some last minute plans for my birthday tomorrow cause I got cancelled on, how about you?

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hey @Alligator_Snap Happy birthday 💖 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

@Zoe7 thankyou for the idea on the baskets, it's actually what I do for clean clothes is put everyone's clothes into baskets and in rooms to fold at a later time. My daughter is autistic and isn't allowed toys or items in her room (other than her plushies) as she stays up all night playing otherwise. Our lounge room is opened up into I forgot what the rooms called but I use it as a toy room for the two kids. I'm having a change of medication and being put officially onto an ADHD medication so hopefully that helps but it also means coming off the several antidepressants I take for my anxiety and depression side of things and one of them have serious withdrawals effects (luckily I'm tapering off them slowly) and I'm really nervous about it but fingers crossed all goes well.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Welcome to the forums @Staceace111 🙂


You may be interested in Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD! 


See you around!

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Fingers crossed for you too @Staceace111 🤞

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi, I am in my late 50's and have suffered from depression and anxiety for most of my life. I am on medication which normally keep it under control but in the last couple of months my life had a big change and I am having trouble coping. The biggest problem is, no matter how tired I am when I try to go to sleep, all the worries that I have surface and I just can't get to sleep. Does anyone have any ideas that could help please

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂



Hey there @Ads @Amity @Amony85 @Angie8Benji @AngiePangie @Anne35 @Anon770 @Anong4005 @Beepy @Belwarrior @BettyMae @Billy111 @Blue_Girl86 @Cracked @creativity @doodies0880 @Dooke @Dragonfly4 @Dyl1419 @eggsbenny @Ele1 @Eleven99 @Fefifofum @FrankieJ @Garyc86 @Ghostrider @Gilligan @Greysky @Harlow082 @Hellz @Herteitr @JockbearsMum55 @karina3 @Kathy1 @KooyanC @Lani_J @Lari @Maddie007 @Maegz93 @Mavana @Miranda65 @MummySam87 @MystiqueMerlin @Nancy172 @Nashy90 @Niani @onevalium @Petro @pinkfoot @Pisces1 @Pngu80 @Redneck76 @Reno86 @Reroll @RobertLig @Scallywag3 @SCT @Seearbi @Shell72 @Summersun @Sunflower79 @TAH @Tats @Therese7 @ThV @tiles @Tinkerbell_97 @TK-93_ @Tryhard @Vikka @Yorke @Zaw @Zeeke 


Welcome to the forums! I’m TuxedoCat, I’m one of the peer workers here on the forums. There are a team of us who moderate these forums to ensure they’re warm and welcoming for everyone, ensure safety and to offer support. It's so nice to e-meet you! I hope you find our forums a really special place where you can 

  • Seek support for yourself without judgment
  • Offer your experiences and support to others 
  • Get to know other folks who “Get it” 


I know some of you have already begun to post, but I wanted to welcome you anyway!


Firstly, if you’re up to it, I know we’d all like to get to know you a little better. Wanna have a go at answering these questions? 

  1. What is your favourite self-care activity? 
  1. What are you looking forward do in the forums? 


I’ll go first: 

  1. My favourite self-care activity is knitting and crocheting. It helps me relax and wind down while also allowing me to be creative
  1. I love learning from all our wonderful members
  1. I also wanted to share my favourite social thread: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD! is an ADHD thread and I learn so much from others on here. 


I also wanted to give you some handy pointers for the forums 

  • Make sure you check-out our guidelines by clicking here. They are in place to create a really safe space online where we can share our experiences of mental health and recovery.  
  • We also have some guides on how to use the forums and for creating safety online when discussing topics like suicide and self-harm. We know these are experiences many of us will have in our lifetime, but it’s important to discuss them safely and in a way that the community can support you! 
  • If you press “@” and then type someone's username, they’ll get a notification that you’ve tagged them 
  • You can always tag “@moderator” if you see something that is outside of our guidelines or makes you worry about someone 


And finally, I wanted to tag our Community Guides to say hello. Our CGs are wonderful leaders of our forums who use peer work to support others on the forums @Anastasia  @AussieRecharger  @BPDSurvivor  @Faith-and-Hope  @HenryX  @jem80  @Judi9877  @NatureLover  @outlander  @Shaz51  @ShiningStar  @Snowie  @Hams  @wellwellwellnez  @Zoe7  @Aniela  @Boo13  @maddison  @pinklollipop15  @Eve7 


Welcome again!

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hello everyone, I’m Lani J 👋🏼… 


Nice to be here 🙂

I stumbled across the Sane website after watching the Netflix film “Luckiest girl alive”- which I resonated with for many reasons.  I’m guess I’m looking to connect with people who have been through similar things in there life who understand all that, that can involve on a daily basis. 

My Favourite forms of self care are mediation, yoga, exercise, the beach, nature walks, music, podcasts, reading, fun with friends. 

I look forward to connecting with y’all soon, 


Lani 💛

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Welcome @Lani_J  💖


I have not seen this but am watching the trailer as I type..... Sometimes things that resurface can be very traumatic with massive consequences for the present. I am going to start watching this so I can understand what you mean a little more 🙂 


I am new to Sane but I have connected already with so many people, from all walks of life and at different stages of their journeys. Hopefully you can make some meaningful and long-term connections here.  


Your favourite forms of self care was like I wrote it myself!! ALL my fave things to do in YOUR post 😂. Have you ever tried the yoga and meditation apps by Down Dog? Here is a link with some info I love this app for yoga but haven't tried the meditation one yet. 


What is your fave genre of reading materials??


@Former-Member xx


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

@Former-Member … I had no idea what it was about when I pressed play- just seen it had Mila Kunis in it and I love her ☺️. 

It was quiet confronting tbh yeah and as I was resonating with a lot of the things she was saying in the movie- it may me think I wish I had people in my life that I could talk to about this stuff, that  it would be really helpful to talk to someone who had been through things like me- it would be so nice to know I’m not the only one who feels the way I do sometimes and have someone to connect with over similar lived experience. Right at the end of the movie, at the end of the credits- it gives reference to a website to go to if your in need of support. I’ve seen references to websites before after movies but never followed up, this time I did and that’s how I found SANE. 😁☺️ 

I became a qualified yoga teacher last year so I do alot of home practice myself but I do have the “insight timer “ app which I use for Mediation and I just love it! 💛


So nice to have the first person who reached out to me on here, have similar interests 🥰🙏🏼


I’m not a BIG reader but if I do, it’s self development kinda stuff…Two if my favourites authors are  Brene’ Brown and Gabby Bernstein and have just purchased my first Yung Pueblo book, called “Lighter” which I’m looking forward to diving into once it arrives ☺️… 


What about you? What do you like to read?