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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Welcome @Lani_J !


Great to have you with us! You are welcome to joining us over at Share a cuppa? if you'd like to meet others and share a virtual cuppa.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

I love Mila Kunis's voice! I find it a little bit husky and really relaxing. 


Sometimes memories and triggers can catch us by surprise, like watching a spur of the moment Netflix recommendation!! I think that many of us have BIG feelings but we might not know because they are not spoken about. This can be for a number of reasons, but I found that when someone has finally spoken out, they hadn't before because of fear they were the only one! I think we all share similar fears about speaking out about BIG feelings. I hope you can speak out here and get some feedback and good conversation.



And I love INSIGHT TIMER. I use it for everything, I even use it as alarm to get myself organised throughout the day. The bells are so peaceful and makes all the minutes feel better. 


I have read some self help but not a lot. I love detective stories the best but will read most of whats on offer. I try not to limit myself and learn from everything there is out there to teach me. 



Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi, I'm beepy. I suffer from PTSD. I also have a son who was diagnosed with schizophrenia twenty years ago. My daughter recently was seriously bullied in the workplace, and is struggling to begin work again due to severe stress, even though she is being harassed by Centrelink to do so! She also has an eleven year old daughter who has physical and behavioral issues which causes further stress for her. We provide emotional and financial support for her but she needs psychological support which is expensive. When our granddaughter has a meltdown, I become seriously disturbed, although my wife doesn't identify with me in that. Lately I have become severely distressed but I force myself to cope. I go into the yard/garden and tend to plants etc. and that is my escape. I am retired but still physically able to work in the yard. This is my coping mechanism at present. 🙂

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hey there @Beepy ! Nice to e-meet you!


Thank you for introducing yourself.


It sounds like you have your hands full. I think it is incredible that you are able to support your adult children, and also recognise your own wellbeing needs such as spending time in your garden.


It is sad but true to say that psychological assistance is so difficult.


You are welcome to pass on our Drop-in line number to your daughter if she every feels she needs a chat and unwind with one of our counsellors or peer support workers. The number is 1800 187 263 (Mon-Fri 10am-10pm AEDT)


We also have a Guided Service with you or your family may be eligible for. You can find out more about it here


I looking forward to seeing you around on the forums,


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi Tyme,

Thanks that sounds lovely- will do 🙏🏼🙂

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi @Lani_J - hope you are well. How's your weekend been so far?

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂


I'm a single mother of a 22 year old male who is on the autism spectrum. He was diagnosed when he was 15 years as being high functioning with poor executive functioning skills.  Since leaving school he has really struggled and last weekend he said that he thought this world was not meant for him. This broke my heart to hear this; so I went on line to try and find a support group I could join and stumbled on this one.  My son has finally accepted his is different, and is only now trying to reach out to places which can offer him support.  He struggles with high social anxiety and is on medication to assist. He is constantly playing negative scenarios in his head to stop him from reaching out for help. He is so unhappy and lost and I feel so useless as I don't know how to help him. I'm hoping to get some guidance and advice from parents or caregivers who have had the same experiences and understand where I'm at. Thank you for reading.


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hey @Tryhard, Welcome! I am so glad you have found us here.

I can only image how heartbreaking it was to hear your son say that. It is something that can be a really common feeling amongst those of us on the spectrum, feeling that we are living life on "hard mode" sometimes. 

Knowing many people who identify as "on the spectrum", those first years of acceptance can be both challenging but also pretty empowering, too. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people can be an important step in feeling less alone.


I hope that the Forums can be a great space of support for you. 


If your son is ever interested, SANE runs an awesome guided support program which can pair him with a peer support worker and a counsellor with experience in autism. More info here:


It is clear you are a wonderful support for your son. Take good care of yourself 💛

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Thank you @Peregrinefalcon for your kindness and welcoming words. Looking back, I've always struggled to raise my son. He was defiant as a teen and would not allow me to "parent" him.  He would have such terrible outbursts, which led me on a path of trying to find the root cause. It's then that I learned he was on the spectrum. But he didn't want to accept it so we are now where we are.  He is still struggling with life and I'm still trying to support him (emotionally) the best way I know how. He feels like I am judging him and is is constantly lying to me because it makes him feel like he won't disappoint me which makes for a tricky bond between mother and son. He has no drive, passion and therefore no reason (in his mind) to keep going. I think a peer support person is just what he needs right now. So thank you. I will investigate this option.💕

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi there @Beepy 

@Ads @Amity @Amony85 @Angie8Benji @AngiePangie @Anne35 @Anon770 @Anong4005 @Beepy @Belwarrior @BettyMae @Billy111 @Blue_Girl86 @Cracked @creativity @doodies0880 @Dooke @Dragonfly4 @Dyl1419 @eggsbenny @Ele1 @Eleven99 @Fefifofum @FrankieJ @Garyc86 @Ghostrider @Gilligan @Greysky @Harlow082 @Hellz @Herteitr @JockbearsMum55 @karina3 @Kathy1 @KooyanC @Lani_J @Lari @Maddie007 @Maegz93 @Mavana @Miranda65 @MummySam87 @MystiqueMerlin @Nancy172 @Nashy90 @Niani @onevalium @Petro @pinkfoot @Pisces1 @Pngu80 @Redneck76 @Reno86 @Reroll @RobertLig @Scallywag3 @SCT @Seearbi @Shell72 @Summersun @Sunflower79 @TAH @Tats @Therese7 @ThV @tiles @Tinkerbell_97 @TK-93_ @Tryhard @Vikka @Yorke @Zaw @Zeeke and all new forum members here! Welcome to the forums☺️! Hi also to @Former-Member ! Nice to meet you all! I hope you each find what you are looking for here on the forums which I’ve discovered to be friendship and advice from lots of forum members and Sane staff as the main benefits of being part of the forum community. 

I’m a Community Guide here with a lived experience of schizophrenia, depression and Borderline Personality Disorder so I know what it’s like to be both well and unwell with mental illness. I’ve also had a few hospital admissions and some stays at a community facility called PARCS here in Melbourne so I can relate on those areas of mental health treatments. For self care activities, I personally love knitting and crochet just like @Former-Member does and I make blankets and beanies for charity in my spare time. I find that these crafts allow me to be creative and relax which is what I love about them and they provide a good talking point as well when I do the hobbies at the library for example. 

I look forward to seeing each of you around in the forums☺️!


Take care!
