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Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @Appleblossom thanks for caring

I didnt mention here, i wanted to pretend it wasnt happening but i can barely walk with severe pain in both knees.

I didnt have somewhere to sleep a while back and was sleeping on my couch and my knees hurt vut i kept doing it.

I went to a few gps abd was told they look fine and then went to physio who saw it was completely swollen, occlusions she said or something and i need to ice them.


It is really painful and i struggle to get up and down.


The hospital bed inflamed it and i didnt want to restart the cycle.

In hospital they added voltaren and said i also need a b12 shot every second day unrelated. It is hard to stay healthy on my own with all this going on.

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hello @Appleblossom @TAB @Meowmy @Shaz51 @tonys @RGB @chibam @@@tyme @outlander 


Hi no pressure to reply just tagged some people ive met around here but all ok if a bit much or i can remove tag as well if it is triggering for anyone ❣️


I had my psychiatrist suddenly go away a few weeks ago and idk exactly when hes back again but potentially 3 more weeks.


He always tells me to steer clear of my family because they threaten me and there has been abuse but he is gone.


Ive been in bad pain with a sore knee and struggling with self care


My aunt is away so i asked if i could stay for a few days at her place, my oarents manage it for her as she goes away often, rarely there. They let my couisns or travelling relatives stay there and rented it out as well on occasion. It has a bath so i could rest my knee and also heating.


I went tonight and it was so triggering just how they had decorated it and some of the neglect in the place, i came back here to mine.


I washed my clothes there because i dont have my own laundry so thst wss kinda nice to just throw everything in as its a bit exhausting with thr laundromat atm.


I guess I saw what i dont want...i dont wanna compromise independence.



Re: Trying makes it worse

Thanks for the tag :).

Good on you for recognising what you want and refusing to compromise on that.

Re: Trying makes it worse

Welcome and thanks so mch! @RGB 

Re: Trying makes it worse

How i find out my psychiatrist was overseas for 6 weeks

Email from Dr Abandoner:


Dear EternalFlower

I discussed with your mh team earlier. (Name redacted) will see you on the 19th June and will discuss the support that you might need in my absence. I have also emailed your GP.

A break in therapy is often useful to reflect and recalibrate. Hope to see you upon my return.


Dr Abandoner didnt know my GP was already on leave so that left the hospital MH team only. I think its good for Drs to try let u know before they go away, so u can sort out scripts and safety planning in a preparatory session....

Re: Trying makes it worse

hey @EternalFlower thats tough. its hard when there is no communication.
can the clinic where your psychiatrist is provide you with a temporary psychiatrist to speak with if you need? most clinic can have someone else that you can see if its urgent. it looks like they have arranged for a meeting to discuss some supports for you in the interim.

Re: Trying makes it worse



Re life and stuff ... hearing you re wishing you had bath and laundry facilities.  Glad you got the wash done, but sorry you were triggered by visit to aunt's place.  Seems like you came to solid realisations and valu of independence.   Not sure if I told you I left when I was 16 and it was the right thing to do.  It takes time to build up your resources and stuff.  My couch was an old mattress on the floor for a very long time ... I still have a fry pan I bought when 15.  You can do it!


Body heart and mind.  Yeah they are all connected.  Take it easy while your knee heals.  Often doctors are not the best with those kinds of things.  Think there is a Nurse on call ...line on the internet for advice.  Physios can be good but it took decades before I had regular access.  


Wholesome food, rest and when ready stretches and simple exercise ...


It is no good to fall between the cracks in health system. They dont have all the answers. Believe in yourself.


Gently Bently



Re: Trying makes it worse

It is a pleasure & a privilege to be able to share (Forums/ virtual) space and conversations with you @tonys. Thank you for your shares, thoughtfulness and kindness always 😊

Re: Trying makes it worse

thanks for the tag @EternalFlower and sending you hugs xx


hello @RGB , @outlander , @Appleblossom , @TideisTurning 😊

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @EternalFlower . Sorry I'm so late responding.


I really don't know what to say. I'm sorry about your knee pain, and all the strong feelings your aunt's place has brought up. I don't know what to suggest, aside from basic remedies for the knee that you've no doubt already tried. (Voltaren, ect.)


I'm afraid I can't be any more helpful when it comes to the more serious problems you mention re: your therapist and family. I've had similar ordeals myself, and I'm still trying to find solutions.


Hope things have been better for you today. 🙂

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