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New Contributor

New hi

  • Hey everyone I've joined because I can't go on like this. I had an accident in October that nearly killed me. Mostly I just sit here and stare into space I don't want to move or do anything. I do still like driving my remote control cars but everything else I just can't. I feel like this will only get worse. I'm hoping you're all doing better than I am. Take care.
Senior Contributor

Re: New hi

Hello @Namehere and welcome to the forums. I'm sorry to hear about your accident, that would have been very hard to go through. Have you been able to get any support for yourself after the accident? It can take time to process things and everyone is different in what they need during that time. It's great that you still enjoy remote control cars, they are lots of fun. Sometimes we just have to take things step by step and trust that things will get better in time. 


I hope you can find some support here, we are always happy to help however we can. You are not alone 😊.

Peer Support Worker

Re: New hi

@Namehere hey welcome to the forums! Glad you found us 😊


I'm really sorry to hear about your accident. Like @Gremlin24 already mentioned, everyone responds differently to traumatic events like that, so please be assured that there's nothing wrong with you for feeling like this. 


Just wondering if you have any professional mental health support? If you haven't already, you could take a look at SANE's Guided Recovery for some ongoing one-to-one support 💜

Community Lead

Re: New hi

Hey @Namehere ,

I'm sorry to hear about your accident. It sounds like it was a real shock to your body and mind.

Have you had support since the accident? 

I'm guessing possibly trauma is linked to what is currently happening, and it sounds like a very tough place to sit in.

We're here for you.

Re: New hi

Hi @Namehere sorry to hear you had an accident
I also had a bad MTB accident a few years ago I nearly died, i was out of work for a while and struggled a lot with what you have described
With time it got better but when the physical pain returns sometimes the emotional scars come back up too
Have you got support

Also tell me about your remote control card