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Re: Apology

Your opinion please, @Appleblossom. Re course question, we are being asked to compare two articles on CoVid19 transmission in two different Aboriginal communities. One paints a glowing report, the other doesn't. 


The glowing one says that there had been only 147 Aboriginal cases out of 28,031 Australia wide. Doesn't that statistic omit to compare numbers of each population as a percentage? Or is that just my incorrect thinking? 


And it's easier to close down a more remote town, than a thriving metropolis, isn't it? Aren't they comparing apples and oranges, and being biased towards apples?


Please be honest. I'm just trying to figure this out because I feel that I am being forced to tell them what they want to hear for a pat on the back. Isn't academia supposed to be unbiased? I'm bewildered.

Re: Apology


I used to believe that academia was unbiased.  No longer.  Many do not even attempt to appear unbiased.


I have socialised on a LOT with academics, in family on a number of levels and in musical and general social life.  Hhhhhmmmm.  Hearing you.  Grrr.


I withdrew from my masters because of that sense.  I have been an independent professional for nearly 30 years and do not need to submit to the teacher for back pats at postgrad level, but that is the game being played atm. 


Ahh stats.  

I think you may be onto something. I cant say for sure as I do not have all the information. Stick to your guns, and argue for your own authenticity.


I used to submit to my in laws better education, with an internal ('are you sure' niggling in me) but now realise, now that I am permitted access to the internet ,,,hmmmm.... that they were speaking through their bottoms ... and they all had access to the internet 20 years before me!


People twist things the way they want..


As a distraction. Thought of you.  This lady has style 


I quite like the Darkhorse podcast by a couple of academics who have left academia.

It aint all it is cracked up to be.  

Senior Contributor

Re: Apology

That podcast sounds interesting @Appleblossom ! Might have to have a listen. I'm always interested in stuff like that.


Re: Apology

I thought academia was both academic and unbiased, @Appleblossom


I've just answered another question differently to others. I'm just not trained to be a yes-woman. I'm all for Aboriginal people, but academia is supposed to be as I stated, and address questions without fear or favour.


It seems to me that they don't want to make waves among their peers, and that's just not academia. No-one wants to put their head above the parapet.


The situation is clearly, do teachers just go along with everyone else so as not to put their own position at risk? Is that even vaguely resembling academia?


I am growing increasingly angry.


Great video, by the way. Thank you.

Re: Apology

I have just discovered M Petri as a brilliant recorder player. This is on lower instruments which I generally prefer, but she can make the high ones beautiful. 


I am not saying to be a yes person.

Your marks may suffer.


I was burnt a couple times when I down shifted to a lower ranked uni. They were jealous. I still took out the qual, but...told by student support at the time about department reshuffles and that the academics wanted people they could mold in their own images.


In my original uni, things had already changed generally in regards to funding from the earlier days of more government funding. They assumed a stance of chasing the money. 


Just not as naive as I was.  It is why I am less impressed these days and want good value for any HECS debt.  I have options re 'which masters', so maybe I am lucky or maybe I have already put in the work. Dont need of waste my time or govt money.  Getting pickier.


You said the study has been great, and it can be great as structured study.  Mostly I finish what I start.  Only stopped 2 courses but still have a batch of papers.


I was a bit put off by a loud virtue signalling type jumping on the indigenous bandwagon about Covid stuff.  I tread warily when it is about people's health and significant quality of life issues.


Going to watch this later, but need to get off puta. 

I love many aspects of indigenous culture and pay the rent, and will keep being positive about it rather than being guilt ridden or guilting others.





Re: Apology

Delightful recording of Michala Petri's, @Appleblossom. She has enormous lung capacity!


I chanced across Nathalie Stutzmann several days ago. I thought "Oh, a woman conductor." Then she burst into song too. The following is why I'm a Handel fan.


Nathalie Stutzmann records Handel aria "Ah, mio cor, schernito sen" - YouTube


As for my course, unless a miracle happens, I will be finishing my last assignment and not involving myself further with the course, or with that university. If that is the state of academia, I'm stepping right back from the remnants of it. 


I am actually quite angry, at the moment. I once asked my ex-psy how he got through his education when he knew that what he was being taught was wrong. Well, now I know. And it's clearly been going on for a long time.


Psychology is a disaster, and teachers won't be challenged. And the misconceptions, the wrong teaching continues, and the price paid is...can't think of an appropriate adjective.


Taking time out to cool off. 


Sometimes, racial prejudice isn't racial prejudice. It's just calling it as it is. I respond to black, white and brindle without fear or favour. This whole situation is just a big mess.

Re: Apology

Sad but true, re the state of things ...



They were beautiful links Thank you. Listening to her sing Bach "Erbame dich" which I have listened to others do live.


Re conducting: We have Simone Young from Melbourne. 

Re: Apology

So many things to discover on the internet, especially youtube. We sure live in an exciting age, don't we @Appleblossom

Re: Apology

Good Morning!


Yes trying to make the most of it @Historylover but still feel ambivalent about the net cos of its addictive qualities.


Gotta go and do non computa things.

Cheers Apple



Re: Apology

Just passing by, @Appleblossom, to say that I have just listened to Nathalie Stutzmann singing "Erbarme dich", and "Cara Sposa" and "Lascia ch'io Pianga'',and just immersed myself in it. So blissful. I love her contralto voice. It's so rich.


And I read a most interesting journal article for my assignment by Aboriginal woman, Irene Watson, a most learned "expert in the field of law and Indigenous knowledges":


If you have 10 or 15 minutes to spare, and if it's of interest to you, such fascinating insight, and love of culture. She put me back on track.


She said Elders are meant to make waves! So, I'll take her at her word and do so.😉


Cheers, and have a good rest of the weekend.