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TheMHS Conference

 Hi everyone.  I'm in Perth attending theMHS conference and was wondering if any of our other forum participants are also here?  

It was suggested I post highlights - admin if I do it here on the LE forum I can just post something in the same thread telling people to look here can't I?  I contemplated which one to put it in and figured that since I am attending as a consumer most of what I write will be from that perspective.  


Re: TheMHS Conference

Waiting for the first concurrent session to start. Why is it that all the interesting topics are on at the same time in these conferences? I was going to go to a peer and consumer orientated one which was snapshot speakers but at the last minute I decided to check out avenues in forensic settings. I think this could be intetesting!

Re: TheMHS Conference

My first time in the big theatre. These chairs are surprisingly supportive. Mind you I imagine they won't be so comfy in an hour.
Keynote speaker this moring is Melody Riefer. I saw her speak at the consumer forum Tuesday and she was easy to listen to.
After morning tea I get to hear all about some new LE forum SANE's got going 😉

Re: TheMHS Conference

No one story can tell a person who we really are.

A key statement from this morning's talk from Melody Riefer. I love it and think I need to steal it lol

Re: TheMHS Conference

River 2 Recovery. I wasn't planning on going to this session but it was without a doubt one of the best talks this week.

Re: TheMHS Conference

Interesting study regarding physical health amongst those with mental illness. Their study shows that people with MI actually access GPs more often than those without. (excludes homeless) So why is it that people with MI tend to have such poor health?

Re: TheMHS Conference

Thanks for keeping us posted! You should go on twitter. 😉