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Reinventing your life

Hello everyone. I just wanted to share a book that has really helped me. It's called 'reinventing your life' by

Jeffrey e young and Janet s. Klosko 


This has really shifted something within me and helped me understand myself better. I just wanted to put it out there. It helps you to understand and identify your lifetraps or schemas. Its helps you to understand your maladaptive  behaviours and allow you to overcome life long destructive core beliefs. Just wanted to share. Hope it can help somebody the way it has helped me. Take care.



Re: Reinventing your life

@jay89 Hey thank you so much for sharing. I look forward to finding and reading this book. 😁

Re: Reinventing your life

Sounds great @jay89  - thanks for sharing.


What were some of your takeaways from this book in terms of shifting your thinking? I'd be interested to hear how it benefited you (extension from what you posted above). No pressure though if you don't feel like sharing.

Re: Reinventing your life

Hi @jay89 


Thanks for sharing! It can be really helpful to find books that resonate with you. The best thing about it is that it's totally up to you whether you read it or not (as opposed to someone giving you advice) and that can give a sense of empowerment.


Maybe, if it doesn't already exist we can start a book thread!