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Re: C-PTSD and Childhood Trauma

@Till23 for sure the pressure can build from repressing memories or bottling up emotions. It would be good to let off excess steam gradually like a safety pressure cooker.

Ah yes there are many things I need to do too, it's not just procrastination but fear holding me back. That could be a whole separate thread.

Re: C-PTSD and Childhood Trauma


I agree that fear can definitely hold you back. I know it has stopped me from doing many things

I’m sure it could be another thread.


Hope you are doing ok

Re: C-PTSD and Childhood Trauma



EVERYONE,  including you, deserve much better mental health care/support than most of us get. Regardless of financial circumstances,  location,  etc.  

You are just as entitled and deserving as anyone else. 1

Re: C-PTSD and Childhood Trauma



I couldn’t agree more about everyone deserving better MH care.


The mental health system is in crisis.


To add to the already overburdened and underfunded system, here in NSW 200 public psychiatrists are about to resign en masse due to pay dispute.


Of the 400 and something psychiatry training positions in Australia currently only 75% are filled.


If you had diabetes the (partial) funding for your doctor visits does not cease after 10 sessions in a year, but it does for psychological treatment if you have a mental health condition. 

It’s a travesty

Re: C-PTSD and Childhood Trauma


Why do some people need to be so naive and ignorant about trauma? Why do so many seem to believe that homelessness and abuse don't happen to people like me?

Re: C-PTSD and Childhood Trauma

@avant-garde wrote:


Why do some people need to be so naive and ignorant about trauma? Why do so many seem to believe that homelessness and abuse don't happen to people like me?

It's so toxic hey - I think there's this prevailing belief that like 'homelessness could never happen to me' cos they think it's a result of poor decision-making and not, you know, being chewed up and spat out by the very systems these same people rely on so heavily (often without even realising it). 


I also blame the lack of decent mental health education in our schools. Stigma is prevalent because its allowed to run unchecked most of the time. 


It really sucks. Wish I knew something to make it better for you, for us all. Forums helps hey 💜

Re: C-PTSD and Childhood Trauma

Hello! This looks like a place for me lol.


I love prompts. 

What I wish people knew about cptsd - the little things that could be a trigger that you'd never even think of unless you'd been through it.


A slight change in facial expressions, someone closing a door or putting something down too loudly make me tense up and almost stop breathing like I'm waiting for what's next. Thankfully, provided I'm in a good place, I can breathe through it and remind myself that it's okay, but that jolt is always there.

On the flip side - when I hear someone whistling as they do things, it makes me feel calmer. My mum would only whistle when things were okay in the house so I knew it would be safe to leave the room. I kinda don't like that it makes me happy lol.


I don't know how to respond to a lot of the conversations in these threads - but I have read a lot here from a lot of wonderful individuals 🩷