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what to expect at SA therapy sessions

hello everyone im wondering has anyone had any experiences with sexual abuse counselling?

tomorrow is my first session and i dont have a clue what to expect and im feeling super nervous


Re: what to expect at SA therapy sessions

Yep. Not feeling well enough to write lots atm but do you have specific questions?

Re: what to expect at SA therapy sessions

hmm not really @Former-Member


more what to expect in the first therapy session

Re: what to expect at SA therapy sessions

Hi @outlander

I would expect it would start with a lot of basic relationship/trust building. as well as developing skills/strategies to use that will help you to be able to do the 'therapy'. It might be a bit of talking about your history and why you're there, but i would be very surprised if you had to go into any details, you can decide how much you share depending on how comfortable you are. 


Re: what to expect at SA therapy sessions

Nothing big. You need to develop trust first. Since you only get a few sessions I spent most of mine learning to cope with my triggers and anxiety peaks.
1st session will be focusing on what your goals are and what you want from the sessions.
I focused on feeling safe in normal daily life and intimate relationships.
Does that help?

Re: what to expect at SA therapy sessions

Thank you @Former-Member @Former-Member
I havent been to a psych since april and this will be my 4th one

Re: what to expect at SA therapy sessions


Re: what to expect at SA therapy sessions

My therapist cant tell anyone what i say can she?

As in- she has to write up reports for victims of crime but she cant literally write everything i say can she?

Re: what to expect at SA therapy sessions

@outlander They fill out very basic details for victims of crime. They won't provide any names of perpetrators or anything like that. It is a very brief report. My psychologist is more than happy to show me any and everything she writes to anyone. I would think any half-decent psychologist would do likewise. It is extremely important to me that nothing is said "about me, without me." I couldn't work with any health professional who refused to show me what was written (and also allow me to collaborate on it if I choose to).

Re: what to expect at SA therapy sessions

She said it was only basic @Phoenix_Rising but i havent seen how basic it is. I like that 'about me without me'