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Re: not coping

@Former-Member forgot to tag you in above post

Re: not coping

Hi @outlander 

maybe just look for one good thing at a time even when it’s just a smile from someone or the sunshine. You are such a beautiful, kind hearted caring person who really knows how to reach out to others.

I am so grateful for you being a part of this forum and am sending hugs, love and hot chocolate to you tonight.


Re: not coping

It's been a really long, tiring and painful time for you @outlander  but you have to stay strong a little longer honey.  Things are starting to move. Yes very slowly but at least things are beginning to get done. Friday is just another stepping stone to finding out what's going on and another step closer to getting better babe. 

I'm not sure what you mean when you say you regret something so if that's something you want to discuss I'm all ears. 
Im so sorry your having a bit of a rough night. Just know that I am here sitting with babe. 

Re: not coping

You sure have a lot on your plate @outlander . I hope it'll become clear what to do about your surgery review on Friday. It's horrible when you need to make a decision and you really don't know what's best to do. And having constant pain too, and bad anxiety and hardly being able to eat anything...I really feel for you. 😞

Re: not coping

thanks @Eve7 Heart

Re: not coping

it is tiring @Lee82 its honestly one thing after another.
Friday is the appointment with the gastroenterologist and then the upcoming surgery review from my dental operation (the op was almost a 8 months ago so im not sure you were aware of this one)
well I was so stressed over going to the dental appointment on my own for a second opinion that I hired a support worker for a few hours to come and join in with the appointment to hear what they have to say just so I can discuss options with someone because my family is bloody hopeless and hard to talk to but now im not sure about having them come. it would still be nice to have someone come but I don't know if I want her in the same room, she is quite a dominant personality. its good because she isn't afraid to ask questions etc but im worried that I will clamp down and not be able to speak with her around. I don't really know.

Re: not coping

thank you @NatureLover Heart
Friday is gastroenterologist and will find out what the next steps are going to be.
the surgery review is from a dental surgery about 8 months ago that hasn't healed properly and have nothing but issues since I had it done.

Re: not coping

@outlander wrote:
the surgery review is from a dental surgery about 8 months ago that hasn't healed properly and have nothing but issues since I had it done.

Sorry to hear, @outlander . 


Hoping you'll know what to do about the support worker coming to the review.

Re: not coping

thank you @NatureLover
It would still be nice to have someone come but im not sure about her now.

Re: not coping

When you say her. Do you mean the support worker? You worried about her being there because you feel like you won't be able to express your own opinion? Is the appointment just to see your progress since the op? 

so sorry there is a lot of questions there