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Re: not coping

@Sans911 Heart
im watching one born every minute atm, ive seen this episode already but I don't mind its better then staring at the wall 😏

how are you going tonight?

Re: not coping

I'm alright sweetie @outlander. I'm watching a series called Sweet Magnolias on Netflix. OBEM isn't really my thing. I've tried to watch a few times.

We're over here @Lee82 if you want to join us

Re: not coping

Thanks @Sans911 I'll just go and put the kettle on to make a cup of coffee.

Not applicable

Re: not coping

Yes thank you @outlander ... I would love a cup of tea with you and @Sans911  and anyone else around @Lee82 

Re: not coping

medical shows are my thing lol besides hows like criminal minds but that's not on tonight @Sans911 I don't watch them all the time or very often though
]whats sweet magnolias?
im glad your ok too Heart

happy that your joining in with us too @Lee82
are you watching anything in particular tonight?

Re: not coping

of course! @Former-Member

Re: not coping

I am watching Friends. 
@outlander @Former-Member @Sans911 

Re: not coping

oh yes that's a good tv show @Lee82

Re: not coping

hello @Eve7
would you like to join us?

Re: not coping

It's a series about 3 women in the south of America. They're in a small town and it's essentially about their lives. It's kinda interesting


Happy to have you join us @Former-Member