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Re: not coping

a little bit @Snowie im still really sore. i had a nurse look and its quite bruised and swollen

Re: not coping

Sorry to hear you are still in pain hon @outlander Was probably a good thing to get it checked out.

Have you done much today?

Re: not coping

i spent time in the nursing home sorting respite out, had an appt with the nurse to change my wound dressings and check infection which shes given me the all clear so far for inspection but bruising and swelling still quite alot which is why its still so sore. i went out and sorted all the pet foods for when im away. done pops washing since he wont have any more now to do till im home so all his is done and put away.

im working tonight. tomorrow ill start packing my bags for when im away and get my washing started and then work again tomorrow afternoon through till the morning.

Re: not coping

Sounds like a productive and busy day @outlander 

I hope your pop goes ok whilst you are away. Are other family members going to help and visit him?


Wishing you well for work despite still being in pain.

Take care hon 💕💕

Re: not coping

yeah some will @Snowie i just got sent quite a few bills though that i have to pay for for him.
ive had to cancel my supports from when im home from medical treatment now because i cant afford it. i dont even know if ill have enough to afford to get myself back now.

my leg is so sore as well and making it hard to walk, sit, stand, sleep. im getting so so tired. i have 2 days before i need to leave and i feel like cancelling the treatment because of to many bills and drama at home. i havent even bothered to pack and normally im super organised. i feel like i still have alot to do but at the same time i feel defeated. all my savings should been spent on the care i needed but now i have to go without again. its tired me out alot but working night shift so have to be awake all night

i guess ill need to try and catch up on some chores tomorrow

Re: not coping

@tyme nice to see you floating around the forums. feels like havent seen you for a while

Re: not coping

Hey @outlander , I'm sorry to hear you have not been able to afford the after care. Do you think you will be alright? You have given so much time to help others. I wish others would do the same...


You deserve it. 

Re: not coping

Hey @outlander , I sent you a check-in email earlier. Not sure if you received it.

Re: not coping

i will look @tyme i havent been on emails. havent really had my phone on me today

Re: not coping

No pressure at all and no rush at all @outlander . We were just a bit concerned as we hadn't seen you around. 🙂


All good.