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Where to go for assistance

Hi There, 

My best friends partner is having a very hard time and its greatly affecting her. For the sake of this forum, let's call them Jack and Jill. Both are in their early 30's. Jack has been having a hard time with stress lately. He is not coping with the responsibility at work and now its effecting every other part of his life. He makes up terrible scenarios in his head and believe they will happen, and it will be his fault someone dies. He won't leave Jill alone. She can't leave the house for longer than a work shift, or something goes wrong. He has episodes of laugher and crying, blacking out and forgetting whole conversations or days. Today he sent multiple texts to her family stating they were getting married in a different country at the end of the year. They are not. this is not the first time he has made up stories. Previously he has had a problem with alcohol, but she doesn't believe he is drinking at the moment. He won't go and see anyone. What can she do?


Re: Where to go for assistance

That's so tough!  Maybe they can just go to the doctor for the blacking out issue?  Then they may not be forced to see a psychologist.  It sounds like they ought to go together.  If you called Nurse on Call, they'd only give the advice for Jack to see a doctor.  It may not be a mental health issue, but something like urinary sepsis and retention, which has the secondary effect of setting off moods and creating hallucinations.  Everything else has to be ruled out [organic reasons] before it's possible to look at whether he's having a mental breakdown.  Given the pressure at work, it sounds like he is having a mental breakdown.  


Some workplaces offer EAP, or an Employment Assistance Program where they allow for free therapy for up to 3 sessions and your partner can go along to that.  For some people, this is a soft entry into regular therapy.


xo Rose.

Not applicable

Re: Where to go for assistance

Hey there @Jay5 🙂

Sounds really a tough situation to be in for both Jack and Jill, and for you as Jills friend 🌺

I just want to say how thoughtful and caring it is for you to have reached out, looking for help 💜

I am a new peer guide here on the forum, however I have tagged here @tyme who has more experience - I hope that is ok with you?

Feel free to keep chatting, and we will do our best to support you 🤗

Tag us using '@' before our usernames 🙂