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To self admit or not?

When is the right time to self admit to a clinic/hospital? Have you done it? I'm scared it may have a negative impact on me. I have 2 kids, pregnant with my third. I have always struggled with depression/anxiety and it's worse during and after pregnancy. I feel like I have no choices because I'm pregnant. I have a supportive husband and family, a gp, an ob gyn, and a psychologist looking after me. Should I get assessed by a psychiatrist? I have no idea what to do!
Not applicable

Re: To self admit or not?

Hi @Elle712 ,

Nice to 'see' you here. I guess I cant really answer your question. But i am sorry that you are stuggling so much that you are feeling this way. If you are feeling unsafe or suicidal go to an ER and let them know but if you're not in that place then I would suggest seeing your psychologist or GP as soon as you can, or phoning them and explain honestly how you are feeling and what you are thinking and listen to their advice/options that they give you. I found my depression was severe during my second pregnancy for a variety of reasons and afterwards. It was extremely hard. So i can relate to your feelings. 

please feel free to keep posting here, sometimes it jsut helps to get some things out of our heads in a safe place. 

Take care,


Re: To self admit or not?

Hi @Elle712 

SO sorry to hear that you are struggling with this. I wonder if @PANDA can help you? If this has been ongoing then probably getting assessed by a good compassionate psychiatrist would be helpful.

I'm really glad you reached out. There are quite a few others on here struggling with PND. I can't remember their forum names but maybe @CherryBomb could give you their names so you can all connect on here for some mutual support. You could also try searching under post natal depression or PND with the forum search function.

Please take care of you. When you're struggling please remember your little people need you (no one else is their mum or can fill your shoes). I found it kept me going when I was feeling suicidal, I hope it helps you too.

Hope for enjoying our pregnancy and children endures...

Kindest regards, 


Re: To self admit or not?

Hi @Elle712

These are big questions and not ones we expect to be asking when pregnant, but it sounds like you have some experience with these feelings and have a sense that things are pretty bad. I wonder if the admitting to hospital is about your safety? If it is then that is a really good option. As @Former-Member said too, you can present at the emergency department of your local hospital if you are fearful about managing to keep you or baby safe.

The other thing is getting a perinatal psychiatrist to assess and work out a treatment plan antenatally to give you the greatest chance of avoiding or minimising the impact of postnatal depression. The earlier the diagnosis, treatment and support, the better the outcome.

If you don’t already have a psychiatrist your GP or Obstetrician will be able to refer you to one. Can you make an appointment with your GP and talk about how you are feeling?

We are available to support you 10am-5pm Monday to Friday 1300 726 306 and maybe together we can help answer this question.

Warmest wishes

The PANDA team

Re: To self admit or not?

Hi @Elle712 

Thanks @kristin for tagging me in this post.

I do know of some other members who have shared similar experiences to you @Elle712 . @MummaMe started this thread about feeling not ready for another baby. In this discussion, @Dreamatic also shared their experieces and what they did. Also, @Undertheweather started this thread about not feeling quite right after giving birth to her bub. Feel free to read over these discussion and add to them too.

Hope this helps!


Re: To self admit or not?

Of course be assessed by a Psych. A Psychiatrist IS a Psychologist AND ALSO a Doctor of it., that's why they can give you meds.. Don't fear a Psych. Go and get admitted and get some extra help. It never hurts
Let us know how you go

Re: To self admit or not?

I was so scared at the idea of going into hospital that the right time turned out to be when I was in crisis and breaking down. In there I met wonderful people who inspired me: they had been aware of times they knew they would be weaker or more vulnerable and had prepared themselves by admitting themselves so that that period of their lives was as well supported as could be and they suffered less, learnt new coping strategies and the time out the everyday really helped them.
It is hard to say when is the right time, but it is so much easier when you know things aren't going right to commit to a time so you plan with the children and explain that things will be different for a bit, then you can get some attention and full time care until you find your feet. If you can get a psych that works at a hospital/clinic that is great, private even better.
I would say if you feel and know you need some extra help, admit yourself, you can always come home if it's not working out, it's all voluntary. Good luck out there, hugs- I know this is hard

Re: To self admit or not?

All good replies and support for you @Ellie712
I see a Psychiatrist. They are just people (and they are like Psychologists) BUT, because they are ALSO Doctors of the soul. (The soul breaks up into little bits, when we are so depressed and down).. As a treating Doc he can diagnose what medications he might believe would relieve a lot of your depression.

It is chemical imbalances in our brain that causes the firing off of some of our neuro pathways.

And disrupts the body's "homeostatis" the body WANTS to find its balance which IS peaceful.
What is good is you know you are depressed and are doing things to help yourself. It isn't a negative to go to hospital. Perhaps you can take THIS time before the third one is born to do ME TIME. You have a supportive family that's AWESOME. So take the time out and go (get a rest) from looking after the kids & the house & the shipping & cooking & budgeting, and the ironing, lunches for hubby & kids and perhaps be MUM's taxi for their sport too. And; not be exhausted and cranky by the time the kids are in bed.,

A woman's work is never ending & always done from the heart. You need some help, you want to dip your foot IN. But you're worried about the kids, and scared you will feel like you've gone backwards maybe, because you've gone into hospital, and had an assessment by a Psych.
No. You ARE A WINNER because you are looking into doing more to try & get you where your soul WANTS to be.
My Psych has never judged me, nor acted as if I'm (not good)
He gets upset when I go off, and get real angry when a (psychopath competitor attacks me & I retaliate)., but hey? I'm human. 😀 smile. YOU ARE OKAY.. 🙏