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Re: Struggling with everything



Hi Candydipper1,


Really pleased to hear that you will have a little time away.


You sound enthusiastic. Cautious, but enthusiastic.


I really hope that you have a pleasant time away for a short time.


Best Wishes


Re: Struggling with everything

I think it will be good for me @HenryX 

Re: Struggling with everything



Really good Candydiper1


Best Wishes for the next couple of days



Re: Struggling with everything

Hi @Fluttershy1 

Pleased to hear you are looking forward to going away with your NDIS worker. I hop you enjoy the time away.

Hi @HenryX @LostAngel hoping both of your days go well too


Re: Struggling with everything

Didn't end up going due to the lockdown @Snowie @HenryX @LostAngel @MDT


feekibg not so great

Re: Struggling with everything



I'm sorry that it seemed to have been arranged and now is postponed (I hope).


Hopefully, after the restrictions are eased, you will again have the opportunity of having some away time. Just something different for a short time.


It is good to hear that you feel such a trip would be good for you.


Best Wishes


Re: Struggling with everything

no good @Fluttershy1 please take care and try to find something good to distract yourself,sending positive thoughts we are all still here to listen and support as much as we canHeartSmiley Happy

Re: Struggling with everything

Hi @Snowie thank youHeart

Re: Struggling with everything

That sucks aye @Fluttershy1
I'm sorry to hear that

We get to see you more here though which is nice 🙂

Re: Struggling with everything

Sorry to hear @Fluttershy1 that it has been cancelled due to lockdown.

Hopefully it can be rescheduled for another time 

Have a good day hon 💌💌