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Re: Riding a wave

Thanks @TheVorticon ..... šŸ˜Š

Re: Riding a wave

@CheerBear @TheVorticon you know what's really annoying? When you find the right street number on the right street and the building doesn't look anything like it did on google maps...cos it turns out you are in the wrong suburb! I really do have two degrees - honest. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Re: Riding a wave

Yikes, that is annoying @Phoenix_Rising! They really should name streets less confusingly haha. Did you end up making it to the right suburb?

Re: Riding a wave

Hi @Phoenix_Rising, @TheVorticon @Faith-and-Hope and all ā˜ŗ

Also wondering whether you made it to the right suburb in the end @Phoenix_Rising šŸ˜† Hope your adventure went ok/well ā˜ŗ

I had a rare opportunity to spend time with just one today and we went on an adventure that involved using another type of public transport we don't use often at all (not a bus)! Lucky little puffer fish could work out and remember exactly what numbers we needed to take and get off at and how long until we were getting to where we were going šŸ˜

Hope you caught a hi with your fin-babies @Faith-and-Hope and hoping you've had a day that's ok enough for you (or better than ok) @TheVorticon

Re: Riding a wave

No fin-babies again today @CheerBear, but at least itā€™s got me back walking by the river at, and walking further .....

Re: Riding a wave

Good morning on the ocean,

So...yesterday was a big adventure!!! I am still giggling about my awesomeness of being able to land at the right street number on the right street in the wrong suburb. It was one of those times where in the past I would have berated myself for being such an idiot...but now I just dissolve into giggles...which presents its own challenges when you do it in public. Smiley LOL

@TheVorticon @CheerBear The end of the story was that after a moment of freak out, and then giggling, I called someone from the organisation that I was heading to. More giggling as we established that yes, I was in the entirely wrong suburb. Then they sent an Uber to rescue me. It turns out I veered about 3km off course. Stupid Sydney where so many of the streets have the same name. I mean really, there are a bazillion names in the world, surely they could come up with a unique one for each street! Smiley Very Happy

Quite frankly, I'm blaming @CheerBear. Clearly I have spent far too much time snuggled in her pocket and I have caught some of her melted snowflakey banana-headedness. I was perfectly normal until I met her...oh...wait...never mind... Smiley Very Happy On the bright side, at least I didn't veer so far off course that I saw pyramids! Smiley Happy

After that adventure, catching a bus seemed far less scary and I managed to do that to get back to the train station to get home. Granted, I didn't manage to land myself at the train station I was aiming for, but that was ok. I am much more used to trains than buses.

So, yesterday, I had my first ever Uber ride and my first bus ride in a bazillion years. In between those adventures I had the adventure that was actually supposed to be the adventure. And that's why after my triple adventure day, I fell into bed as soon as I got home.

Even though I was too tired to wander into Forum Land last night, I figured I'd better just like one of your posts @CheerBear so that you didn't send out a search party to hunt for a little sea turtle wandering the streets of Sydney. Smiley Very Happy

I'm super excited to hear that you guys are scared of buses too @CheerBear and @TheVorticon. I used to be scared of trains too, but since I moved to where I currently live, I have been using the train more often. 

@CheerBear I'm wondering if your public transport adventure involved a type of public transport that I have never been on. I think it might. 

@CheerBear I superly duperly duperly superly wish I could tell you about the non-transport-related adventure of yesterday, but alas, I can't. It was a change-the-world type adventure, but one that is not of my choosing. I know I am changing the world, but it is at a greater cost to myself than I would choose. But still, if bad stuff has to happen, I would prefer that good for others comes out of it rather than not. That helps me to make meaning out of things that cause me harm. It's still super hard though. I know you super understand without knowing. 

Anyway, @TheVorticon @CheerBear, maybe you and I should set ourselves a super challenge to all take a bus trip together-but-not one day. I find that public transport is a lot less scary when you don't actually have to be somewhere. That's what I was telling myself when I suddenly realised I had no idea how to find the right train station to get back home. Getting home is always less scary for me than getting to anywhere. 

Hi @Faith-and-Hope. Thank you for dropping by the ocean. Will you be out searching for dolphins again today?



Re: Riding a wave

About to leave on a dolphin search aka walk to the coffee shop, now @Phoenix_Rising .....

Good morning šŸŒ·šŸ¢

Re: Riding a wave

Good morning @Phoenix_Rising šŸ™‚

Thank you for liking my post last night because I was about to form a search party, and seeing that made me think you had made it there and back šŸ˜‰

I was thinking that you may have been off on a changing the world kind of adventure. It sounds tricky but I understand the meaning making and the need for good to come from bad. Go you - you inspire.

I LOVE the idea of a bus adventure together-but-not! I went off on a random imagination dream thing thinking of you, me @TheVorticon doing this big "all of forumland who wants to join in taking a public transport adventure together just because day". That could be so fun!

Really hoping you see those dolphins @Faith-and-Hope.

Too hot here for much of anything today so it's a stay cool inside day for us here today.


Re: Riding a wave

@CheerBear Ironically, having survived actually riding on a bus, the non-transport-related part of the adventure yesterday has left me feeling extremely like I've been squished by a bus. It is now looking highly unlikely that I will get the next installment of the DBT adventure done before Monday (but still likely I will get it done by Monday). Smiley Sad

However, while I'm sitting here feeling extremely brain-squished, I'm feeling a tiny bit excited about the idea of a public transport adventure day with you, @TheVorticon and anyone else who wants to join in. I think that could be SUPER fun. I'm contemplating whether I could do a train, bus AND ferry in a day. Really, if I want to catch a ferry, I only need to do a train...but I think I could fit a scenic bus trip in as well. I'm up for it if you are???

Re: Riding a wave

šŸ˜ž bus squished feelings suck @Phoenix_Rising.

Forumland adventures are some of my favourite things and a public transport adventure with whoever wants to and can join in, sounds like a great one (and I'm a tiny bit excited thinking this could happen)! A train, bus and ferry sounds awesome. I don't think we have ferries (maybe water boat things but more for fun I think). I can't imagine doing forumland adventures with plus three so I would probably have to wait for when school goes back in two weeks though.

Yay šŸ™‚