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Re: Riding a wave

Good evening out on the ocean. Thank you for dropping by @Former-Member and @Zoe7. I am guessing you might have been super struggling with the heat today @Former-Member??? 

@CheerBear My empty tank is due to the combined effects of Forum Land trickiness and my turtle whisperer having dumped me. I think the fact that I've only had one hour of human contact since the 22nd of December has probably not helped either. I am super looking forward to seeing TTT on Thursday. 

Tomorrow I'm taking S to the vet to get vaccinated, and I'm thinking of getting a hair cut on Wednesday, so at least I have some human contact scheduled now. 

I super like that all the parts of your blanket are symbolic of something - that is so cool! 

I'm super glad we can sit in our stuckness and our empty-tankness together but not. We've definitely got this! Night. Smiley Happy



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Re: Riding a wave

Today wasn’t as bad as yesterday, @Phoenix_Rising. 33 today, 42 yesterday. Anything over 19 is too warm for me so I am well and truly melting. Smiley Sad It’s definitely not appropriate house-moving weather. Smiley Frustrated

Is S good at the vet? Edie is the sookiest, neediest, most loving cat at home, but so aggressive when she’s scared at the vet.

I’m super glad you’re seeing TTT on Thursday. 🌷

Re: Riding a wave

Hi @Former-Member, I super hope today is a bit cooler for you. I can't imagine how much these crazy temperatures must suck for you if 19 degrees is your comfort level. Smiley Sad It got up to 47 in my part of the world, but I am blessed with airconditioning. And even when out, the heat doesn't super bother me. I went to Bunnings for a while yesterday and it was quite noticable how few people were out and about. 

I'm super hoping S will be good for the vet. He has only been twice before - to get desexed and vaccinated. I was impressed last year that he was so good. He is totally unsocialised to anyone other than me. In the two years I've had him, the only people that have come to my house are the police. Smiley Frustrated Thus I had expected him to be challenging at the vet, but he was fine. I clipped his nails yesterday so that if he does freak out, he will do less damage to the vet than he otherwise would. Smiley Happy

I hope your day has some good in it today @Former-Member. Smiley Happy

Re: Riding a wave

@Former-Member @Former-Member are you around to come and float on the ocean for a little while? I feel so super super super alone with my muddle...mostly because I AM super super super alone with my muddle. I feel completely disconnected from the whole Universe. Smiley SadSmiley SadSmiley Sad

I have super gigantic missing CherryBomb feelings. Smiley SadSmiley SadSmiley Sad

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Re: Riding a wave

Hey @Phoenix_Rising, @Former-Member and @Former-Member aren't around the Forums today but I can drop a few acacia leaves into the ocean to float with you if it would be helpful 🙂

Re: Riding a wave

Thank you @Former-Member. The waves have got super giant super quickly. I have absolutely no reason to live. Everywhere I turn, the message seems to be that family and friends are the most important thing. Without them, and without a job, I genuinely have no reason to live. How does anyone keep living with no social support and no employment? What else is there?

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Re: Riding a wave

I'm sorry to hear how difficult things are today @Phoenix_Rising. I know the waves are super giant right now but they've been giant before and they have become smaller again. I hope it can help to remember that. You have talked about services that you've found helpful before, so remember that you can also reach out to those places for one-on-one support. Heart

Re: Riding a wave

@Former-Member wrote:

You have talked about services that you've found helpful before, so remember that you can also reach out to those places for one-on-one support. Heart

@Former-Member I haven't. The only place I reach out to is you guys. Smiley Frustrated

Re: Riding a wave

You have a place and a purpose here @Phoenix_Rising ..... and most of us have mini-connections to life and purpose.  This ,,,,, being on the forums ..... is one of yours, right ?

You also have a cat, so there is another one.

Do you garden ?

Connecting with TTT is another ....

Even sitting in the hairdressers chair is connectivity.

There are other people on the forums with no (current) job and no real connection with friends and family, so as with you, there are fewer points of connection ..... but they are there nonetheless.  They may also be less conventional, or entirely unconventional.

Some people study the stars.

Someone here likes taking photos of lightening .....

Its all connectivity - with people, animals, nature, the universe, and also our own ideas, hobbies and interests.

You have a wicked sense of humour @Phoenix_Rising ..... and that is a joyful form of connection with others.

Gotta love Kermie ...... 🐸

Re: Riding a wave

Sorry you’re in a tough swell at the moment @Phoenix_Rising