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Re: Riding a wave

Morning @Phoenix_Rising. I hope you slept well. Those sparkly lights on the ocean are very pretty 🙂 Sleep was not enough of a thing for me last night :S

I read your post last night and felt sad thinking that the issue is you. I don't know the answers but when you asked how does anyone keep on keeping on like that, something inside me was saying that if there is someone who can do that, it is you. And if there is someone who will find the answer (and then let the world know what it is so the world can change for the better), even if it is exceptionally difficult, and feels almost impossible sometimes, and is made a bazillionty times harder than it needs to be by peanuts and buses etc, it is you.

And that is not to take from how big it is to be stuck with a muddle that you're not sure is fixable.

I am really, truly grateful that we are not-friends. I can not imagine where I would have been this year had our oceans not collided.

I had a half daydreamy, not quite asleep thing last night and we were together. We were sitting on the floor of your loungeroom and you had a kilo of prawns. It was fun (except for the prawns but you had fun eating them and I had fun watching you have fun eating them).

Hope today has some good in it for you.

Re: Riding a wave

Good morning @CheerBear,

Your half asleep dreamy thing made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Smiley Happy

I hope today is a good day in your world. I am super glad we are not-friends who can spend Christmas together but not. Smiley Happy

Re: Riding a wave

Hi @Phoenix_Rising. Wondering how your day has been?

I had a little moment earlier and I was one carol off becoming The Grinch. Then I sat with one and we hacked a photo frame and glitterfied it turning the dining room into silver and gold sparkle room and now I've turned back into me.

This afternoon they reminded me that they have another thing on tomorrow and want to take cookies (this one slipped past my what's on this week). I don't think I mentioned to you that a little while ago we got a couple of tubs of cookie dough for a fundraiser thing, which reminded me of you and your like for uncooked cookie dough. This is delicious and possibly even more delicious raw. Unfortunately I don't think bringing a tray of uncooked cookie dough will work for tomorrow, so I'm wondering if you'd like to bake some cookies with us?

Thinking of you (as I head to the kitchen).

Re: Riding a wave

@CheerBear ooooh yes please!!!!! Any chance of photos of me helping you bake cookies? I promise I will TRY not to eat all the cookie dough. I am super glad you turned back into you - I super like you! 😆

Re: Riding a wave

Of course!

Here you are trying out the dough. Guess what you're sitting on? The dry reindeer food ingredients. I figured we had some spare magic ingredient from our craft/mess and maybe it would be good thinking to put it to the side.
And this is you trying the cooked ones. Extra chewy as they're straight out of the oven. 
Hope you enjoyed the baking. I enjoy the pocket company @Phoenix_Rising ☺

Re: Riding a wave

Baking cookies with you and the LF was SUPER fun @CheerBear. I am pretty impressed with my multi-tasking skills - I was playing my violin and baking cookies at the same time! Smiley Very Happy

I super enjoy hanging out with you and your LF @CheerBear

Guess what? My Christmas present to myself arrived from the book depository today. I chose one of the books from our list. I figured I'd only get one, and then if I want to, I will choose another one for my birthday. I'm being extremely self-disciplined and I'm not going to open it until Christmas day. Of course, given the entire book is already in my brain AND on my youtube playlist, I can kind-of "read" it any time anyway...but I still like the idea of actually having the book. Smiley LOL

Re: Riding a wave

Hi @Former-Member,

I can see you floating around Forum Land this evening. Thank you for watching over the ocean tonight. Smiley Happy

Re: Riding a wave

yes @Phoenix_Rising, @Former-Member is soooo great , love seeing her around Smiley Happy

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Re: Riding a wave

Hi @Phoenix_Rising! Yes, I am floating around and watching over the ocean. How is it out in the ocean for you tonight? Hopefully after the stormy weather last night, there is some calm. I love watching still water 🙂

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Re: Riding a wave

🙂 always nice to see you too @Shaz51!