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Re: Riding a wave

@Phoenix_Rising, I am so super glad TTT really is as awesome as she sounded. Smiley Happy I have big happy tears right now (mixed in with lots of my own sad ones). I really needed some good in my day so thank you so much for sharing. You truly deserve the most super awesome ultra-helpful helping person to help you with brain-fixing and I’m so so glad you’ve found her. I am so super happy for you. Smiley Happy

@CheerBear, I’m sorry you’re having a wonky day. Smiley Sad

Re: Riding a wave

I haven't read it all yet little turtle - actually only the first line - and that was enough for me to want to fly around the world in warped speed shouting the great news to EVERYONE @Phoenix_Rising

I am so, so, so happy for you... (I know you will hate this image but I couldn't hold back I am so excited - so duck...)


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Re: Riding a wave

Oh, that is super happy wonderfulness @Phoenix_Rising, I'm sooooooo happy for you.

I don't really *do* the water thing, but here are a few friends having fun near the ocean to celebrate with you. 

dinosaur beach.jpeg

Re: Riding a wave


Happy turtle .... @Phoenix_Rising 💕

Re: Riding a wave

Morning @Phoenix_Rising. I am sitting here with my coffee wondering how last night was for you.
It was so seriously awesomely great it to hear how well meeting TTT went even though it had it's arse up moments (which hearing about made me go Smiley Surprised and Smiley Mad). I really appreciated the honesty and lack of fluff when it came to that conversation too. It would work much better for me also.
Feeling what I was when I read your post made me imagine how big your feelings about it were. You found her Phoenix_Rising. I am very much looking forward to hearing about your adventures with TTT as they happen. 
I had imagined that those big feelings might be accompanied by some others too, both as you'd mentioned they may and because my own experience tells me big feelings of all kinds can be tricky. It's so so SO scary to try to trust when there are so many reasons not to. 
I don't think either of us will forget yesterday for a while. It seems we shared a day mixed with old and new memories. You met TTT and I met this amazing creature who I wanted to introduce to you because she kind of reminds me of your turtle who I think would be very squishy also.
She's the most beautiful unicorn in the world (even more beautiful than her 35 millionty mass produced twin sisters :P). I can't think of her name yet but that's ok because if it doesn't come soon I am sure there is some random unicorn name generator online I can look at for inspiration 😉
You really are awesome Phoenix_Rising. Thank you for showing us all that it is possible to ride waves of epic sizes and thank you for being such a big part of why I have been able to ride mine out to get to meeting my currently nameless unicorn day.

Re: Riding a wave

Good morning to everyone on the ocean today.

Thank you for sharing my excitement about finding TTT @Former-Member @Zoe7 @Faith-and-Hope @Former-Member @CheerBear. I SUPER like that picture of you being so excited @Zoe7, and I also SUPER like the picture of dinosaurs on the beach @Former-Member. It means a lot to me that you wandered down to the beach even though you generally don't do the water thing. Thank you. Smiley Happy

The more I reflect on yesterday's session, the more amazing it seems. I don't feel that I can share everything about it because if I describe TTT's office in any more detail, I think that would make her too identifiable because the reality is that her office and her approach is very unusual - in a truly awesome way. Finally FINALLY I've found someone who truly understands that trauma isn't healed by changing your thinking or learning skills or medication. Finally I've found someone who really and truly gets it!!!

@CheerBear yep, it sounds like yesterday was a super big day for both of us in terms of both reflecting on the old, and enjoying something new. I can't remember, was yesterday important to you as the date or the day (I know it muddles you a bit that dates fall on different days each year)? I work by dates - i.e. I graduated on the 14th of December, 2015 (which was a Tuesday that year). 

Your unicorn is AWESOME. She looks super soft and cuddly. I've decided that if I had a unicorn, I'd name her Onesie (cos, you know, she has one horn). However, I can imagine you now face-palming and saying "no, Phoenix_Rising, just no!!!" Smiley LOL

Thank you for saying (and believing I'm awesome). Of course, the evidence here in the real world (most recently being dumped by my turtle whisperer) would suggest that your belief is misplaced. However, I super like that I can at least present as awesome in Forum Land. Smiley Happy

By the way, I am SUPER excited that we seem to be getting some conversations happening in the DBT adventure. I super hope you aren't feeling frustrated by our amazingly slow process. I know I am probably MUCH more used to seeing things happen much more slowly than originally planned, than you may be. I'm in no rush at all, but I am a little worried that energizer bunny CheerBear may be struggling with turtle pace! Smiley Happy

Re: Riding a wave

So good to hear that yesterday's TTT session is feeling even more amazing today @Phoenix_Rising. I think it's seriously cool that she has an unusual approach. That sounds to me like a great approach ☺ I'm sorry that the evidence seems to suggest my belief that you are awesome is misplaced. I will continue to believe that you are awesome and it is the dumping people that are not-awesome, while caring about the impact that has on you.

Yesterday was a day I was stuck in a Thursday just as I have been stuck in a Tuesday at fish o'clock time and a Friday evening etc. Today is the 15th of December 2017 which is the first day I have officially taken over the lease for here ☺ Yay! I find it really interesting to be stuck in days when dates seem more typically sticky. I guess it reflects how much our tricky memories can get jumbled in a different part of our heads than where our processing and sense making parts are. That's science though so I'll stick with putting it down to having a banana for a brain 😉

I've been half watching the exciting DBT adventure but until I can properly watch I think it's best to stay watching on from a distance. I am not at all frustrated by turtle pace ☺ It's incredibly helpful to practice turtle pacing myself and see it is totally ok. My off forum life is about become seriously overwhelming, pretty much from when I hit post on this. I've got SO much on with the fish and it is a little (a lot) crackers. As much as I truly would love to be here with everyone and everything, it would be a mistake to try and do, especially over the next week and a bit. I think I need to listen to that little warning alarm inside which is telling me to be ok with dropping by when I can, and trust that people know that if I don't reply or don't come past it doesn't mean I don't care or am not interested. I think you know that I am always here in the ocean even when I am not and that I am not far away from here though ☺

I semi-face palmed at Onesie 😆 I was thinking of something way too typically unicornish. Maybe she is Nameless. Nameless as a name could work. It's like the idea of alone together which I really appreciate and it isn't too unicornish.

With a giant breath I will head off and start working through this stuff, starting with chocolate peppermint slice and then a few hours of helping pack a classroom (because teachers don't get paid enough). I get to play with board games and coloured paper - want to come?! ☺

Hope the day is a good one for you.

Ps - this day next week it will be the Eve of the Eve of Christmas Eve (I think) 😁

Re: Riding a wave

@CheerBear Giggle, I'm glad you only SEMI face palmed at onesie. Smiley LOL

I'm super glad you are ok with turtle pace. It sounds like this is a good fit for your super busy time of the year anyway, since once I do eventually finish the mindfulness module (probably sometime in the year 2020!) I will be passing the DBT baton to you to do the DT module. 

Thank you for telling me that you are going to be superly duperly busy over the next week or so. I will trust that when you are missing, it is because you are doing super fun stuff like packing up a classroom, rather than because you've been squished by a bus.

I definitely want to come to help pack up the classroom. Don't forget to put me in your bag!!!! Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Riding a wave

I hope your day was a calm one with some bright bits, @Phoenix_Rising. 🌷🐢

turtle sun.jpg

Re: Riding a wave

@Phoenix_Rising I am missing you tonight (and it's only been 12 hours since we last caught up here).

I haven't ventured far here tonight as I have been out doing a thing. It's a thing that I have wanted to share with you but again will rely on not needing to know to know. From what I can see it seems you've been quiet here tonight. I hope quiet here has been the kind that has been good for you not-here.

Did you have fun spending time in the classroom together? I enjoyed exploring all the cool board games and chatting to some very chatty little people 😊

I hope you sleep/are sleeping well tonight Phoenix_Rising.
