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Re: Riding a wave

Screen Shot 2017-07-07 at 8.06.40 pm.png

Looking for a turtle... anyone seen a turtle? 

Not sure why I'm wearing a business suit... *shrugs*


Re: Riding a wave

Hi @CheerBear and @NikNik,

@NikNik I SUPER love that picture. It made me smile A LOT.

I am SUPER sleepy, but I thought I'd better swing by so you didn't worry about me being missing. Given the picture you posted, I'm glad I did. Smiley Happy

I have actually had a really nice day...but it is going to sound weird. An aquaintance of mine from uni is doing her clinical masters and she asked for help with the data analysis for her dissertation. Yeah...we started at 9:30am this morning and have just finished now at 9pm. So...I have spent the entire day on skype (she is in Queensland) playing with the statistics package SPSS. I know, I know, my idea of "fun" is really weird...but it truly was fun. Playing with other people's data is so much less stressful than doing my own dissertation was. Eleven-and-a-half hours of statistics...and it was fun. Yeah...I really am aspie aren't I. Smiley Happy

I was sad about missing FF. I am about to fall into bed now. On the bright side, I am sure I will sleep well without needing any of the only-in-emergencies medication.

I really do love the fact that you came out on the ocean to search for me @NikNik.

Night @NikNik @CheerBear and everyone else in Forum Land. Smiley Happy

starry night on ocean.jpg

Re: Riding a wave

I feel flooded with panic and hopelessness. I know I can't stay with a psychologist who is doing me harm but I don't know how to find and start over with therapist-take-eleven either...which makes suicide the only other option I can see. How can I possibly possibly be in this situation after all the effort of leaving "Fred". I super want to die right now but I will snuggle into @CheerBear's pocket and ride the wave.

Re: Riding a wave

@Phoenix_Rising ❤❤❤

Re: Riding a wave

Hi @ Phoenix_Rising
Lola here one of the moderators.
I am concerned about but also pleased to read that you have a plan to snuggle and ride the wave!
take care and let us know how you're doing.

Re: Riding a wave

Hi @Phoenix_Rising 💖🌸🍧

Re: Riding a wave

Hi @Phoenix_Rising .... 💜

Re: Riding a wave

It's nice to have you in my pocket @Phoenix_Rising. I hope you're sleeping well in there tonight (I'm pretty sure I can hear snoring). I'm about to go to bed, and I think the sound of a snoring turtle will help me fall asleep tonight.

Good night

Re: Riding a wave

@Phoenix_Rising - I'm not sure how you're going today (i haven't been able to be online properly since this morning) but my day has definitely had some challenges. I'm heading over to sit in the nest soon to catch a moment of peace and calm. I hope your day has been better. There's a pocket if you'd like it.

Re: Riding a wave

@CheerBear I am about to practice my violin. Maybe I had better do that out here in the ocean rather than in the nest...otherwise I may get banished from the nest. See you soon. 😆