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Re: Riding a wave

You're super welcome @Phoenix_Rising Smiley Very Happy

Good plan! Yes I hear you on that and I've been thinking the same thing with my upcoming trip. My thoughts on this were to maybe leave a jacket or something on the chair so they knew that someone was still using the table. You could even leave something on the table like a book or magazine or something. What are your thoughts on this? I'm open to suggestions too haha Smiley LOL

Re: Riding a wave

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Phoenix_Rising looking forward to your party

Re: Riding a wave

Awwwww super giant thank you for the birthday wishes @Pepsimax @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope. @Faith-and-Hope I super love the sparkly picture!!!

@Former-Member I think the idea of leaving my jacket on the back of the chair is a good watch me report in tomorrow that I forgot my jacket cos I left it on the back of the chair. Smiley Very Happy

Do you get the feeling that me celebrating my birthday by myself at the all-you-can-eat place is going to look a bit like this to anyone looking on. Smiley LOL


It's Mr. Beans birthday so he treats himself to dinner in a noble restaurant. Stay tuned, click here: Welcome to the Official Mr Bean channel! To find out more about Mr Bean visit: Mr Bean on Facebook
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Re: Riding a wave

Cupcake.jpgHappy Birhtday to you @Phoenix_Rising ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope you enjoy your turtle cupcake, maybe just a nibble, something tells me there's going to be lots of birthday goodies to enjoy today ๐Ÿ™‚



Re: Riding a wave

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Phoenix_Rising !!! ๐Ÿข๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ
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Re: Riding a wave

Haha the key is not to forget your jacket! You will have to make a mental note to check the table and chair to make sure you have all your stuff Smiley LOL

I love Mr. Bean!! Haha I dont think it will look like that to anyone else...unless you decided to write yourself a birthday card and pretend someone else put it on the table for you Smiley LOLHe's so funny...that coat hanger Smiley LOL

Re: Riding a wave

Happy Birthday @Phoenix_Rising 



Re: Riding a wave

@Former-Member I COULD write myself a card and put it on the table. That would solve the how-to-keep-table-reserved issue. Smiley LOL

I often find myself having what I call "Mr Bean" moments. The other day, I pulled up at an automated gate where you have to press a button for the gate to open. Of course I pulled up too far from the button. I spent a while trying to super reach out the window, and then I ended up opening the door. But I had my seatbelt on and so I was still super reaching and yet couldn't reach the button. Then I took my seatbelt off and STILL couldn't reach the button so I had to actually get out of the car. By the time I FINALLY got the gate open I was giggling to myself thinking "yep, that would definitely have looked like a Mr Bean moment to anyone watching." Smiley LOL

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Re: Riding a wave

Hahaha that actually made me laugh Smiley LOL I could totally picture that and it would have looked like a Mr. Bean moment Smiley LOL

This will be my Mr. Bean moments while I'm away from forumland Smiley LOL..

Image result for Mr bean

Re: Riding a wave

Sending you a special birthday shooting star!