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Re: Riding a wave

Haha @Phoenix_Rising I actually laughed at that.. @CheerBear needs something yummy to eat otherwise all our floaties are going to be compromised! This may help...

Image result for nutella pizza

Wow @Zoe7 I'm making all the lists today...what a great day! I'm really grateful that I have made both of these lists it means alot to me Smiley Very Happy Good to know you're there if I struggle in the ocean but will also need some back-up floaties around so I can be there to help @Phoenix_Rising when I'm needed

Re: Riding a wave

You are a lucky little @Former-Member - not many make my list! @Phoenix_Rising and @Former-Member are definitely on my 'OH SH*T rescue list' - and if you knew how bad a swimmer I am atm you would understand just how hard that would be (I can barely walk - or fly lol - so swimming is definitely not possible).

I also hate to break this to you but @CheerBear doesn't like strawberries so I think she will be making a delivery to me in TOR sometime today - yea strawberries for me Smiley LOL

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Re: Riding a wave

The fact that you cannot even walk...I mean fly..does make you being willing to jump in the ocean to rescue me EXTRA special. Just like @Phoenix_Rising not having many people on the safe touching list...both very big things that I really do appreciate Smiley Very Happy

OH NO!!! Sorry @CheerBear I tried haha what is you favourite thing to eat? This may be more helpful in terms of me providing catering from now on haha I'm glad that you will get to enjoy the strawberries though @Zoe7..they are special heart-shaped ones Heart

Re: Riding a wave

Good night @Former-Member on this, my birthday eve. Party time tomorrow!!!!!!! Smiley Very Happy

starry night on ocean.jpg


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Re: Riding a wave

Night @Phoenix_Rising Try and get some sleep tonight, I know you must be too excited Smiley LOL

Re: Riding a wave

Wooohooo phoenix_rising (not tagging because I just asked you not to read my tags tonight πŸ˜› ) Sleep well πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸŽˆ

@Former-Member - some photos aren't coming up on my phone so I can't see your photo. Heart shaped strawberries sound very cool though - I hope you enjoyed them @Zoe7. You'll never go wrong with almost any bad for you food with me Rockpool, just for future catering πŸ˜‰ And apples - I love apples! (especially toffee apples πŸ˜„ )
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Re: Riding a wave

HAPPY BIRHDAY @Phoenix_Rising!!!

I hope you have a wonderful day both with the fabulous party that @Zoe7 and @CheerBear are organising for you and with your lovely all-you-can-eat dinner tonight. Dont forget to wear your extra stretchy pants so you can fit in all the yummy food Smiley LOL

I hope that we can help you make a great memory for your birthday, one that you can cherish for many years to come that makes you feel like you are not alone.

SOOOO looking forward to your extra special birthday party today Smiley Very Happy

Image result for nemo happy birthday images

Re: Riding a wave

Awwwwww super big giant thank you @Former-Member. Smiley Very Happy

I will definitely wear my stretchy pants when I go to eat all I can eat tonight. I had breakfast and now I'm planning to only have virtual food until I go out tonight. I plan to get my money's worth at the all-you-can-eat place! Smiley LOL

I hope it won't be too crowded tonight. I'm planning to arrive as soon as they open for dinner. Given I will be alone, I'm a bit scared that if it is crowded, they will swoop and clear my table thinking I've finished when I get up to get more food. Is there a trick to ensuring this doesn't happen???

Re: Riding a wave


@Phoenix_Rising ..... πŸ’œπŸπŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸ’πŸ’•

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Re: Riding a wave


Cannot wait to celebrate your day of birth and hope you have a wonderful day that is special and all about you, you deserve it!!

Counting down the hours until party time woo!! Smiley LOLHeart
