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Re: Riding a wave

Can you please jump over to @Zoe7 am not coping post. She needs abit more assistance and i think she would be more beneficial if you were to talk to her as you know what shes talking about without having to tell the story again ❤❤
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Re: Riding a wave

Thank you @CherryBomb really appreciated shes got me really worried. She needs someone who knows what shes talking about. Id love to support her and ill always be there in spirit but its prob best if i step back from this one
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Re: Riding a wave

Goodmorning @Phoenix_Rising 🙂

I hope the waters are calm and you found the ocean themed distraction helpful, I lost my little green fish friend but I found us some strawberries for brekky, I saved one for you, it's the same size of you actually, I hope you are hungry?!

Screenshot 2017-03-23 09.43.42.png

Re: Riding a wave

Awwwww wow, a strawberry as big as me - that's pretty cool. Thanks for saving me one @Former-Member. I am feeling much better this morning. Did you read the adventure I had with Cherrybomb and some others last night? We went for a ride in a whale!

I'm not supposed to be here right now...I had planned to stay off the forums all day. However, I have reached the half-way mark on a baby step I had set for myself today, so I'm having a ten-minute reward here before getting back to what I was doing. Of course, it may take me the entire day to eat that strawberry, but I'll see how I go. Do you think it's safe to eat something the same size as yourself??? Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Riding a wave

I just read through your night in the whale with everyone, must have been good although I am suprised you were okay with being in that space with them all, good job 🙂

haha I loved all the whale puns, it sounded like a whaly fun time Smiley Indifferent ... (that was really bad it sounded much better in my head).

Oh and yes time out from the forums is a great idea, it's easy to spend way too much time on here, my desktop is currently full of screenshots of cute animals, mostly turtles !

I think it's completely fine to eat a strawberry as big as you, you could also use some of it for a smoothie or to put on cereal, with cheese 🙂

Glad you are feeling a bit better and hope I don't distract you from what you are trying to do ha


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Re: Riding a wave

Hey @Phoenix_Rising - I know the adventure is over, and I am hoping you're still on the surface but I wanted to add this here because I think it's super cool (i've tried a few times today but have gotten caught up in things). Littlest little got into a muddle early, early this morning so we went outside and played while the sun came up. This "rainbow octopus" appeared. It reminded me that even on a boat, or as a boat (or as a turtle, or as a whale, or in a whale, or as a scuba diving dog...), at least the ocean can be interesting sometimes. 

Hope this afternoon is better for you than yesterday 🙂


Re: Riding a wave

@Former-Member wrote:


haha I loved all the whale puns, it sounded like a whaly fun time Smiley Indifferent ... (that was really bad it sounded much better in my head).

Oh and yes time out from the forums is a great idea, it's easy to spend way too much time on here, my desktop is currently full of screenshots of cute animals, mostly turtles !


@Former-Member You are correct in saying that your attempt at a whale pun was amazingly bad...and yet I laughed. Smiley LOL

I'm glad to hear that your desktop is full of screenshots of cute animals - most of which are turtles. Is there really any other way for a desktop to be??? Smiley Very Happy

Thanks again for the strawberry - I made it last for breakfast, lunch AND dinner...which I guess is what happens when you eat something as big as yourself!

Thanks for riding the wave with me. There is a reasonable chance that we will get to do it again sometime. Smiley Happy

Re: Riding a wave

@Former-Member Oh I super love littlest little's creation. How old is littlest little? Did he/she identify this as an octopus or is that your interpretation? I was thinking it looks like a which case I would call him squishy and he shall be my squishy. Smiley Very Happy It's sad that littlest little got into a muddle, but so very nice that he/she has you to help him/her with the muddle. Muddles can be so very...well...muddling, and it is always nicer if there is someone to sit with us in our muddles. Littlest little is super lucky to have you. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Riding a wave

@Phoenix_Rising - Awww your posts always make me feel something, thank you 🙂 Littlest little is early early primary school. And this was definitely "a rainbow octopus" to littlest which is why it definitely needed to be posted here, even if it took me all day to get to it and needed a download of a photo resizer app so it could be posted. Being that it is art work, it's up for interpretation though so I'm sure the artist won't mind it now being a squishy for us both to enjoy (as it shall greet me by the front step everytime I walk outside at least until it rains).

Re: Riding a wave

@Former-Member, nah, if littlest little says it's an octopus, then an octopus it must be. It is probably a distant relative of Hank, from Finding Dory Smiley Happy.
