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Re: Riding a wave

It's pretty down here! What can you see?

under the sea.jpg

Re: Riding a wave

Er... @CherryBomb or @Former-Member either of you happen to speak whale???


Re: Riding a wave

@Former-Member I know you said you were in a boat (or that perhaps you are a boat). Is this you in the submarine? It's a very cool submarine...but I'd prefer it if it didn't seem to be running up my butt! Smiley Very Happysubmarine.jpg

Re: Riding a wave

I do! Oh my, what big teeth it has. 

 whale hello there!.jpg

Not applicable

Re: Riding a wave

Unfortunately I don't sorry. But i did bump into someone who can @Phoenix_Rising


images (40).jpg

Re: Riding a wave

Ok, now I'm scared, are you SURE you can speak whale @CherryBomb??? Are we about to go on an adventure like Dory and Marlin did??? I know, I know, whales don't eat turtles, they eat krill...oh look, krill!!!! Smiley Very Happy


Re: Riding a wave

I mean, I think, I can speak whale...

You know, it's been so long since I've watched Finding Nemo, what adventure did Dory and Marlin go on - am I right in remembering that it involves a ride in the whale's mouth or am I just making things up?

Re: Riding a wave

I suppose the maze can have shells, given that it's on the beach and all @Phoenix_Rising 🙂

Re: Riding a wave

@TheVorticon awwwww that's super cool, thank you. Smiley Happy


Re: Riding a wave

Hey @Pepsimax, we are over least...we are unless we get swallowed by that whale that @CherryBomb thinks she knows how to speak to!