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Re: My special place

i'm so glad you've shared a bit with H already, that is such a big step @Snowie do you know how long the respite process tends to take? i imagine once your mum's got that support in place, hopefully it'll take a bit of that stress off your shoulder.



Re: My special place

She needs to have an assessment first @rav3n which is booked in for a few weeks time. Then after that they need it approved (not sure how long that will take). Once approved we can then put in for respite. Whether or not the nursing home has a vacancy is another issue altogether.


Mum has spoken about going to live at the nursing home. So we are going to try respite before hand to see if she likes it. I guess a 'try before you bye' situation.


H normally can tell if I'm not doing well anyway without me saying anything. I get very quiet and tend to withdraw.


Re: My special place

that makes sense, it would've been nice if you were given a rough timeline @Snowie that's good that she's starting to be more open with the nursing home idea too, fingers crossed that the respite assessment goes well. also how did mum's cuppa with the new person go this week? 


it's nice when people can pick up on our distress, makes it a bit easier when we don't have the energy/words to talk about it. glad H can pick up on that for you. 

Re: My special place

I think anything to do with My Aged Care takes a long time @rav3n She has level 1 support at the moment. We have put in for at least level 2 support (it goes up to level 5) and they've already said it can take more than 6 months to get approved. 


Her cuppa with the new support lady actually went really well. I think she was even surprised. She said the lady was lovely. She is coming every second week to take her shopping/cuppa/lunch. Whatever mum wants.


I even struggle to talk to H at times, especially if my thoughts aren't great. I know he would rather know, but sometimes it's just easier to talk to people who have/are going through similar things and have similar thoughts.



Re: My special place

@rav3n I am going to try and get some sleep.

Thanks for chatting with me tonight. It has helped.

I hope the rest of your night goes well.

Re: My special place

Hugs @Snowie ,


Take care hun

Re: My special place

oh wow that is long time just for approval! @Snowie 


yay that's really amazing that she enjoyed the cuppa!! and now she can go out and do her thing without having to rely solely on you, hopefully you get some more 'me-time' back!!


that's very fair. glad we can be here for you. thanks for keeping me company as well, hope you rest up. good night 💜

Re: My special place

Anyone around atm

Re: My special place

I’m here @Snowie 💕

Re: My special place

Stuffed up @Eve7 

I'm sorry but not sorry, if that makes sense.