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Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow Hahaha I reckon!! 

Also lol I have this image of you just fully decorating the house and when she gets back you just say 'oh I had to stay occupied or I'd die' 🤣 


NICE! Hmmm might have to share this lil idea with my thrifty friends - one of em even does furniture restoration! 


Aww cuties, you got so many lil fuzzy bubs to tuck in!! Hope you have a peaceful slumber 😊💜

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Poopy shitty day today


did a big oops during the night and needed to pop into the medical centre this morning stupid idiot. 


was supposed to see CM today, turned up and she wasn’t in. Some random dude came out and called my name. I freaked out. And legged it out if there. I’d prefer a phone call and the option. 

walk into arts and craft and I get bombarded with questions about leading arts and craft all over again. My old SW now the team leader said she had managed to get funding for group so wanted me to come up with ideas/ a program. Everyone was standing around listening, eager for me to do it. I just nodded. Again stupid idiot. 

sitting down doing my own thing and the SW supervising put a video up of the old tv show art attack and one of the other clients yelled out ‘that dude *unalived* himself’ the supervisor looked at her quickly, but the trigger had already happened and my stupid idiot brain was already not thinking ok. 

My SW was back in today. I missed her call this morning before my appointment. I had hoped she’d be in the office during arts and craft so I could have a chat. She arrived 20mins prior to group ending. I stuck my head around the corner 10mins later but she was on the phone. Another 10mins later I peeked again and she was finished but now I didn’t have time. We briefly spoke ( @Jynx  she had been off the last 2 days cause she got hacked! Everything)


now I feel absolutely crummy

Re: My Mosaic

Wow.. what a day @Bow ! Sorry to hear that things are a bit everywhere!


I just wanted to pop in to say that I read your post that you left a few days ago about mowing being your job 🙂 I guess it feels 'good' after you have freshly mown lawn?


Hope you are okay - I'm mindful your mum has gone to Tas.

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic




Crummier than a granola bar!! Crummier than a crumb cake! Boooooo!!!


Sounds like a whole bundle of gnomes or gremlins are following you around causing pandemonium, surely - cos that's some pretty rotten luck otherwise, to have so many stressful things pile up on you two days after your mum leaves. 


I hope you're home and in comfy clothes now at least? Sending you a bajillion hugs darlin, and sitting with you. I'll pour us some tea 💜

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah it does feel good once the lawns are done @tyme  but it’s always a huge job cause I leave it too long between mows 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah I reckon @Jynx  little gremlins running around everywhere. 

yep home and out of my jeans and straight into comfy clothes. Jeans are not house clothes. 

I been heaps tired today. Sluggish. Was a huge effort to get myself out of bed and moving. Like everything moves extra slow and feels so heavy. Including words. 

how are you? How’s your morning?

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow wrote:

Yeah it does feel good once the lawns are done @tyme  but it’s always a huge job cause I leave it too long between mows 

That's the hard part @Bow 


I used to do it every week as a bit of a routine so that it isn't arduous

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

We have an electric mower @tyme  and last time I did the lawns I did the front first and then the battery died…. And then never got round to doing the back. So now it is VERY long. Like over knee length 😩🫣 another example of stupid idiot bow 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow heck yeah banish them jeans!! Hehehe


Honestly that just leaves me impressed. You tackled and survived your day whilst running on empty too? Dang hun you a badass! 


Morning was a lil irritating - eggs are out everywhere, and I just couldn't bring myself to keep going to more shops only to keep getting disappointed 😅 Might have to go buy some flaxseed tonight or something - I wanna make a meatloaf! Never have before and really don't want it to crumble 😑

Re: My Mosaic

Mine was a small electric mower and the issue is, it always got caught if the grass was TOOO long. So that was another reason why I mowed weekly.. @Bow 


Just gotta do what we gotta do, eh?