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Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @tyme  


i just need a friend I think. 

so much going on inside and I feel like I’m on the verge of exploding. Doesn’t feel good. 

im sorry today has been yucky for you too

Re: My Mosaic

I can sit and be your friend... needing one of those today too @Bow 


As part of my self care, I'm going to turn off everything tomorrow and just allow myself to heal. Oh, but of course I'll be here in the evening.


What are you going to do to help yourself today?


I'm just glad I am here on the forums - honestly.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I came home from my appointment and crawled into bed @tyme i told my psych that that was what I needed to do today and she said given the circumstances that was ok. Need to disconnect and protect. 

I just managed some dinner- that was a huge effort  tonight. And I’ll just watch tv until it’s time for bed. Comm mh are suppose to be calling at some point to check in with me. 

your plan for tomorrow actually sounds really good. I got things on tomorrow unfortunately. 

Re: My Mosaic

Hugs hugs hugs..


Do you have that friday group tomorrow @Bow ? The op shop one?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yes @tyme  im hoping that I feel up to attending group. My SW would like to do a home visit too… which I think I would appreciate. So hoping that she can come by first thing in the morning and then group is at 11.

Re: My Mosaic

That's so nice of your SW @Bow . She sounds amazing.


I hope you can get to group too. Sometimes it's these appointments that add a bit of routine to our lives.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

She was really kind in her response to my text @tyme  its what I needed. I hoping we can organise a visit tomorrow. 

Yeah, need a bit of routine and normalacy. 

what’s happening with you @tyme ?

Re: My Mosaic

With the organisation, do they swap SW's around like they said they would @Bow ?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

They haven’t @tyme I got my current SW at the end of November when my old SW was promoted. They both know I need consistency. So hopefully they won’t move me around. 

Re: My Mosaic

Hope so too. @Bow 


But on the other hand, I can see that sometimes a different person can shed a different light on things... just as long as it's not a change every week or two!