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Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hi @tyme I’ve spent another day in bed 😩


no we haven’t gone back to markets yet. I thought we were going to go back last Sunday to our Sunday markets, but mum couldn’t be bothered. And she didn’t mention it this week. 

Re: My Mosaic

I pretty much spent the day in bed too @Bow ! I only did 2 things today - take the dog for a walk and do one load of washing . That's it.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Been reading elsewhere @tyme  and perhaps that’s just where you needed to be today? You work a heck of a lot and you carry a lot of stuff…. And I know work is your …. I don’t know what you call it sorry, but even still, you gotta rest my friend! Everyone does. Even YOU! 

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @Bow . I appreciate it. I think this year has been one of the hardest in terms of having to make some tough decisions. But in a way, I feel I'm in a good place to make an informed decision and not a rash emotional decision like I have in the past.


On Friday, I was pretty numb. I was at peace with my choice, but just hurt in a way too. 


I am grateful for everything that as happened and feel that a door has been opened for me - I've just gotta step through it now and take the future as it is.


No regrets.


I'm so glad I have you and others on the forums whom I can reach out to. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Oh I’m intrigued @tyme but also respect that you might not want to or can’t go into any details (will be all ears if you at any point do wanna share though!) Sounds like you have thought about it though and taken the time needed to make the right decision! And yay to doors that open for us! 

just don’t leave us here! We appreciate all that you do here! 

I was actually thinking of you at some point in the last day or so. You already know that you really intrigue me with all that you do, with all that you have achieved and stuff after your big battle with your mh. We were gonna sit and talk about you one day cause I have so many questions. But time. Actual time! lol that was ages ago! 

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah. I have a lot on my plate. I like to keep busy. But I'm also fine with change. 


My research paper will be published by the end of this month or next month, so that will be one thing out of the way. 


I might also take the opportunity to get an ADHD assessment. I'm finding I'm struggling more and more with brain fog. Did I tell you that a psych I was working with mentioned that BPD and ADHD are often misdiagnosed because they have a lot of similarities? But I did let her know that I have had significant therapy for my BPD and things are so much better. Maybe that's why the ADHD elements are now surfacing? I don't know.


I've done a few online screening tests for ADHD and they all came out 'highly likely'.


By the way, are you still going to schema therapy? @Bow 


I was reading some research a few weeks ago and you know what I found interesting? They said that unless someone does the proper DBT course, not doing it properly can actually be detrimental. What I mean by the 'proper' 'full' course is having both the individual and group therapy over the course of 12-18 months. There are so many 'DBT courses' out there which I think just teach a few DBT skills - and therefore don't 'work' the way they should...

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

That’s a lot @tyme! But great that your paper is just about finished? !

no schema group is no longer running. It was a 25week program. So all finished. I was doing a heap of questionnaire yesterday for it actually. Met with the facilitator on Thursday to check in briefly and get all this paperwork! She wants lots of feedback too. 

I did a short course in DBT and there was always talk of me doing the long course, but nothing. Schema was probably more important last year. Probably can’t do two at the same time anyways. 

im going to try and get to a new group tomorrow…. Ran by the same folks that do arts and craft and where my SW is. 

Re: My Mosaic

I remember the questionnaires I had to do with MBT! I had before, middle and end questionnaires. But my course was just over 18 months. The least I could do was fill in a few forms. It was a lifesaver.




As I said, I've only done a little bit of work on schema, so I find it quite interesting. Who knows what new therapy there will be in the future.


Did you ever end up applying for NDIS?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

A longer schema group would have been amazing @tyme  but oh well. I still learnt so much and my psychologist will continue to use it with me individually.


no I never applied for ndis. Haven’t even looked at the paperwork to be honest. 

Re: My Mosaic

When you finish with this schema group, are you able to join another round @Bow ?